Do you have a video or photo depicting "slavery" in the U.S?

Every bit of information online is never the truth but as said, I will do some research on it

Why don’t you guys provide alternative source of information then? So now you niggas wanna claim that Civil War didn’t happen? Come on Euler I don’t expect this from you.

You sound ignorant. Kwani internet yako ni ya kazi gani? Watching porn hub and ohangla music videos?
Si ulisema uko campus. Si uingie library badala ya sabina joy.

A simple link would suffice Petco

Do you have a video or photo depicting “bamboo” or “winning by a slandlide”? It would really help :smiley:

Monk you need to grow are very ignorant.

Wait, I thought you said I was @Purple. Now I’m @Old Monk? :smiley: