One of the big problems with guys is this:
The girl is into you; you’ve been talking for a while and for some reason you can’t pull the trigger to move the interaction to the next level.
Whether that’s asking a woman out
Going for a kiss
Inviting a woman back to your place at the end of the night.
Or whatever….
When it comes right down to it, at the end of the game when most guys are handed the ball, they fumble it away.
You can do everything right, but if you don’t know how to close the deal and you don’t have a “closer’s mindset” you’re going to end up going home alone or with a peck on the cheek.
While the EXACT same girl you just took out or talked to for 4 hours at the bar texts some other guy who knows how to close, to come over and bang her!
Learning how to be a closer is the #1 thing that separates the guys who are successful with women from the guys who aren’t.