Hizi night driving glasses naona zikiuzwa online husaidia? huwa nasumbuka sana usiku and i’m thinking of buying them.
Kunukishia kitunguu ya muuzaji
NV nani amekaribisha wewe hapa?
Nice try with the attempt. We are NOT cricking!
Ni bure kabisa. Helps in reducing glare from oncoming vehicles but also reduces visibility on your side of the road. Your bare eyes are the best when it comes to night driving
They nearly made me blind,never gonna use them again,let me die like a man khumundu khumundu,unazivaa ukizitoa ni ma blurred vision neva ever
Just go get your eyes checked, you probably need correction lenses anyway.
Used to have the same problem but after getting my eyes checked, glasses and all, I drive well at night these days.
The only trouble is the idiots who decide to have the lights on full like they’re the only ones in the road.
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