Is it reversible? As a woman who has never been on any family planning device or drug, I am against interfering with how God created us. Unless it’s superficial meaning you don’t ingest it or go under the knife. And thanks to God staying natural meaning not being on hormonal pills and IUDs and even tampons and even cups will keep your body healthy. There’s no shame in menstruation, let the blood leave the body don’t hide it inside. It is toxic to your body that’s why tampons causes Toxic Shock Syndrome which can kill. Don’t interfere with how God created you folks. Kwanzaa pills cause cancer. They’re are a class 1 carcinogen like asbestos.
That thing is not reversible, but a shocking number of people insist that it is. Sijui hiyo ni propaganda ya wapi
It’s reversible.
Uwii. Chesus. Wewe kweli science was not your forte.
Those are losers, ata without vasectomy hakuna mwanamke atataka kuwazalia.
There’s no woman who will stay with a man who’s had a vasectomy, and she’s childless and under 45. Women have a clock. Ikifika 40 and no mtoto, they start hunting like it’s the last meal known to man. It’s hormone driven.
Bcz I treat my body like a temple, very careful what goes into my body, unlike your gfs who have made their body Guinea pigs for everything? Mimi hata tampons ziwezi tumia. Leave alone kumeza cancer pills daily and insertions in your uterus in the name of family planning.
Those are lunje my dear. The whole purpose of life ni kuzaa, they piss poor with 9 kids. In the West women post menopausal women with no children has hit an all time high of 20% of the female population the governments are now looking for incentives to give their women bcz moslem population is superseding their own which is on negative growth.
So DJ Mos does not have kids? Why is he getting a vasectomy? Doesn’t he want kids? If I was a man and all I had to do to have children is ejaculate I’d be down for whatever. Seeing women dying giving birth always makes me ask myself if any man is worth this kinds of risk to life. I haven’t met one that’s worth dying for but I digress. Pregnancy is serious risk for women. The biggest risk a woman can take. The seed better be worth this kind of risk. A WHITE MAN.
I don’t know why DJ Mos is taking that. Could be a publicity stance. There’s no life without pregnancy. It’s a necessity of life. Of course a white man to you is like hitting a lottery. And so are your chances. Worse if you weigh more than 50 kg.
Necessity is dictated by individual. The last time I checked necessity is water and food and shelter and clothing the rests are at your choice. People have choices. Otherwise you would get automatically pregnant when you are a certain age. Same way, you start getting periods or producing semen without doing anything, if there’s choice on your part it’s not a necessity. Necessity is things like death, eating, shitting, sleeping which you have no choice over. The world is overpopulated. The poorest people living worse than animals have the most children bcz of thinking like yours. They think bcz they have a uterus then automatically pregnancy is a necessity. What kind of life is this now? This is how 65% of Nairobi dwellers live and in some African countries like CAR over 90% of the population. Black people it’s time to style up from these asinine narratives.
Its called vasectomy reversal.
Vasectomy Reversal: Treatment & Information - Urology Care Foundation
Those are baby rabies i tell ya. Wale walikua wanaringia wanaume sana in their 20s kama Sheila mwanigha ikifika ma 30s - 40s hapo they even start to chase after a cobbler or fundi wa kushona nguo. Past 30 women can only get the dregs.
If it can be reversed it’s OK. You can imagine if Mutua had kids with Lillian who their new step dad would be. Better safe than sorry bro.
But she left him coz he couldnt give her kids. She wouldnt have left if they had kids. I mean, what is the first thing she does with Juliani? Ball pap. Biological clock was ticking.
BTW when someone has just been using you through out the relationship then you wake up to it, that’s not called leaving someone, it’s called, getting tired of being used. I’m almost certain Mutua didn’t divorce his wife. Meaning Lillian has no claim to any wealth generated while they were togeza. She has no kids by Mutua. Meaning she can’t claim child support or even spousal support. Mutua knew what he was doing. She was the fool in the equation.
Where things have reached let’s wait for the kid tujuue if Juliani is even the father. Biological clock is not an excuse kuzaa na chokora. Kupata ball is less than 5 minutes and men are not 12 like the disciples. There are 4 billion men in the world. I don’t understand what kind of women you people deal with where bcz biological clock is ticking you should jump on any man and get pregnant for him, you can even get pg without a man, si kuna artificial insemination? Even there there’s a catalog to choose from. Sperm are in oversupply. I don’t understand what is this narrative of biological clock making women give birth for hobosexuals. Women are so brainwashed and manipulated by the patriarchy and men. Do you know what it costs to raise one child nowadays? Alafu unaza na takataka yoyote? Unbelievable. Even Kibe who is the ultimate male chauvinist can’t believe it. Afadhali angezalia ata Kibe. If you going to pick a brokeass afadhali Bas mzungu ata chinku anything but not these brokeass niggas. Lillian ameangusha the whole of Kenya and COMESA region. Maybe she’s on drugs. Let’s pray for her as a country . This is a very bad picture. Mtoto wa watu amerarukiwa literally. Usicheze na wakamba.
Correction. He did not want to give her kids. As you’ve said, vasectomy is reversible.
Saa huu shes representing ECOWAS. I can predict with 95% confidence Ball ni ya Juliani. Unless she went on a rapid-fire spree after Mutua. And dont forget after a break up, women are very vulnerable. Probably ni Mutua alimuambia atembee. I doubt she broke it off, coz she wouldnt have joined him in the bday. Anyhowly Jules alijishindia. But I kind of pitty him, those slay queen like women are expensive to maintain. Na vile she got used to easy money at the governors mansion, I wish him the best.
Is he maintaining the one he already has? Let me not talk badly but this is a recipe for disaster. How can you impregnate a woman suffering from depression and then you say umejishindia? Our collective psyche as blacks is very wanting.
Anyway, if love is blind, children are the real eye opener. She will come to her senses like Brenda Wairimu did. Hii biological clock and being cheated by men itaonyesha wanawake maneno. How do you just live with someone being paraded around mtu hajakuoa, hamuna watoto. 1,2,3,4 years maybe even upto 6 but 10 years?And it’s not gf/bf where you can see other people you are pretending to be married. I mean no wonder the woman is depressed and on drugs. You were used for 10 years in the highest public stage kama tuu mjinga hakuenda shule ukiitwa first Lady. Why are women this asinine at times? Empty clouts. Imagine what she could have done for herself for 10 years. Now she has jumped from the frying pan into the real fire. Instead of healing and regrouping. BALL. with Juliani of all people? When you are depressed after toxic relationshits you need help not pregnancy with a loser trying to save face for fooling yourself. Nywy pole it’s called life. When you do not look out for yourself as a woman men will use you, unatoka kwa governor user to chokora user. When will women ever wise up to this shit? This is a man’s world if you don’t look out for yourself nobody else will.