@Touchlyrics what happened to DJ Bash…Lakini hawa majamaa ni hype… Last year niliienda kuwasikiza pale Quiver. Ni jina tu…
Dj Bash is just going down a slippery slope, na vibaya tena sana. Hebu scroll hiyo page yake uone vile ametukana watu jana, mpaka ameanza kuingilia ma bigfish kama citizen TV?
Sijui anapost akiwa mlevi ama nini, but his brand has now officially gone to the dogs. No one can work with such a guy. Amefungua some stupid online radio na anaona amefanya kitu ya maana., A std 2 kid nowadays can open his online radio. I bet there are over 100,000 online radio stations sahii, what will attract your listeners is your niche.
Kama Niche yako ni kutusi watu online, utabaki umeskiza hiyo radio station pekeyako, na maybe nyanya yako.
DJ Bash is just bitter. Even if they are overrated as he says, the market is still rewarding them. Huyo bash why has the market pushed him to the side. Awache umama na machungu
Wivu na ufala mingi…but these 2 darling na Joe I don’t really feel them. Darling has some small boys who play for him who are better than him in my opinion
Si kwa ubaya but nimesikia fire mixes from underground DJs…kila mtu apige mboka yake…all DJs play the same same music brand name yao tu ndio difference
hapa ni kweli boss. I think huyu bash is fighting depression
Yeah jamaa i think hatuko poa probably mambo ilimwendea sege mnege
Bash niliona aligongewa bibi ma mzunye bana. Na bibi akamtoka akiwa na mtoi. Jamaa haezi cheki mtoi. Mzunye naye anaclap cheeks za baby mama wake. Hiyo ngori ya mtoi na baby mama ni kama ilimuaffect sana.
Mtu anaandika post Kama mtoto wa class 1. I didn’t understand a thing in the post. In fact hata sijui djbash ni nani
a very rich mzungu…even bought her a house in Kile
Kisha gigs zikakauka kichwa ikafyat
dude used to live in Lavington during his prime
Should have used the money to save for rainy days…Lavy kunataka heavy weights not wannabes
But amesema kaukweli flani…why cant veteran kenyan djs learn from the likes of one handed man dj Black coffee and release their own music? By now the two djs should be on their 10th studio albums…south African djs have set the bar so high…if Coffee comes to Kenya be sure kasarani will be sold out…same if he goes to UK or US…sold out!
Its OK DJ bash can also try that and shatter records. He should not burden other people with his expectations. If it is working for them ajipe shughuli
DJ Kunthra alienda wapi. That’s one person I could swear by.