Dislike them---But give it to them!

[FONT=verdana][SIZE=4]The chinese, the CCP or whatever might be racists, but the truth of the matter is that these guys have really developed their country and made it world class in many aspects. Some cities such as [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=times new roman][FONT=verdana][SIZE=4]Guangzhou was full of vibandas and disorganized in 1963, even Nairobi was much better than them but right now Nairobi cannot even compete with them. Nairobi just looks like another river road on its side. We really need to wake up as Africans and build our countries otherwise we will always end up as slaves seeking for acceptance in other people countries such as China, USA, Britain, Germany, Australia and whatever[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
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Yes…it is because of our ignorance that people come here and we do not have the balls to ask them why they are here and what they up to.
Our people are as soft as a worm when they see a foreigner, they feel inadequate…hii ujinga tuwache

Mashamba za uma ziliimbiwa

All those videos show only the central part. People dont live in offices, show us suburbs, show us the down town. Show us the industrial conditions. Nairobi is a worse place though

The Chinese are very developed! Soon they will overtake the West.

Hatuwezi acha. The majority of Kenyans have a very rural mentality. Even abroad you see a lot of Kenyans with that kind of mentality. Look at even the goons in town that control virtually every street. Yaani these people have overrun this country. When was the last time you had a constructive discussion with a random person in the street? Many people just walk around clueless.

The middle class in Kenya is the biggest let down. They have the brains and class to change things but they don’t. We have allowed clowns to run us down.

Hio ni ndoto kizee.

Eh? Have you seen China’s infrastructure projects? Like the 3 Gorges Dam, so large that it is said to have slowed the earth’s rotation? Or the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, which runs 26 miles ontop of water? These guys have crazy VISION and AMBITION bana!

Go to Shenzen and you will be blown away. Its the perfect modern green city of the world. A whole city that is new, modern, open spaces and landscaped with plants all over. China learnt the hard way about pollution to industrialized, so they are now at the front in green tech. The electric buses, electric cars, electric bikes, electric trams, electric subways etc. Its casting a shadow over Hong Kong from a fishing village to a better, bigger city in just 30 years.

They already have, we just await the official confirmation

Take a minute to ponder at what @ndume has asked. Below.

Go inside Guanzhou to the alleys and residential areas and you will know how filthy and unhygenic Chinese people.Openly defacating.Sewage strewn all over, people eating everything in wetmarkets including scary looking bats.The communist party will awe the world by building some sections of China as a show of might to enhance propaganda.Meanwhile poor people in the cities and rural areas are no better than those in an average third world country.No wonder China is still clasified as a developing country

China is classified as a 3rd world country simply because it is the west that does the classification. Mzungu will NEVER accept China is a developed country even if the reality stares them in the face.

What reality?Development is not about buildings and architecture or chest thumping to the world that you are a global power.Most european cities have very odd and old architecture which you cannot compare to the ones being displayed on the youtube videos.Visit the Netherlands,the UK and Norway or any other Scandinavian country.Yet you cannot compare the living standards of an ordinary Western European and Chinese.Development is measured using Human Development Index-e.g.Access to healthcare,Infant mortality rate,Access to education,life expectancy etc not large and new buildings.The rural peasant or ordinary Chinese is so repressed,impoverished and controlled by the government that they literaly run away from China and even settle in African countries.Many Chinese would rather live as paupers in the US than in China,you will meet a number of them in the US living sub-standard lives.Meanwhile the communist party is engaging in chest thumping contests with the West

Can you provide pictorial or video evidence for us of such filthy and unhygienic places with open defecation that you claim exists in those places of China, because the western media which is highly critical of China should have shared with us that information

You wont get that from china. The communist party wont allow it

What China does well is planning and execution. Short 0-10 yrs, medium 25 yrs and long term 50-100 yrs plans on a grand scale. They set targets, mobilize funding, personnel, technology and everything else to do it right and fast. Leaders changes doesn’t change the timeline. They just add some dynamism that exist with the current present needs and terms. For example by 2005 China realized its spending a lot on pollution cleanups in waterways, afforestation to reduce emission filled cities and recycling of waste products. So they decided to go green bigger than everyone. 15 years later, China forest cover is now 30% of the country mass. They are even reclaiming the deserts in the north into green fields. Sweat industries have gradually been shutdown and now shifted to other Asia countries. The current President Xi started poverty eradication excise. Everyone in China biometrics is registered including your income. Everyone of the poor are known. In the last 5 years they implemented stimulus program specifically for them. You list the things you need to improve your life. They review it and send social workers to verify you, your details, needs, work and unique requirements. Some get tools, others get finances, others get livestock, others get their homes improved etc. All to get you to be more productive and your income to grow. Some are even moved to link up with others in services or production where they earn more. On that program China spent $20 billion and uplifted over 50 million from poverty in 5 years. They haven’t met their full target of 100 million but you can see the progress made. This is why their huge population is content. They know their leaders will do everything possible to keep the country prosperity, growth and good functionality going so that people don’t rise up against them.

Shenzen city. The intercity commuter trains were such a joy to use. Not flashy but sleek, street level from the housing areas to gradual elevations closer to the city centre and finally the subways in the busiest parts of the city. Clean and well maintained. I want that for Nairobi.

And how have the western media been obtaining the so called videos of uyghur if you are claiming the chinese govt cannot allow

Good to see you again.

Av been around