dilemma. to hit or not?

Men have 2heads. most of the time, the pumpkin on the neck factors so many things into a problem that it stops becoming a problem. It becomes Fluid Mechanics. Or Calculus 4. Its moments like these that you send it to the head below. 98% of the time it makes decisions based on how good it will feel. By association, you will feel the goodness too. Hit it. Unless you are the emotional type who cant differenciate love making and sex


even if i dont hate myself since i am made of a harder mettle. she might and she might not be able to handle the guilt

there isnt calculus four only advanced.
it is not me i am worried about but her.
if a six year old crush haijawahi mtoka kichwa can she handle the repurcusions?

then siku moja alielie kwa nyumba and tells mzee what happened.
utajua panga sio the kiswahili word for arrange.

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Its a trap. Donā€™t do it.

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For the sake of team mafisi do, I repeat DO her. For the team bro

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I repeat for the damn last time, IT IS NOT A CRUSH! She promised you and the good lady is simply honoring her promise to you, nothing more. Hizo zingine eti sijui ooh chali yake, eti ooh guilt conscience, eti ooh repercussion, eti ooh this, eti ooh thatā€¦ni bullshit kwangu! You either spin it or bin it! Ama nipe thrupass, you rather seem like a good referee

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from the comments it seems a terrible idea as i had originally thought.
i will pass.
i hope my team mafisi membership wont be revoked


thrupass basi?


Mafisi membership revoked with immediate effectā€¦

she is a half saved girl getting married on sato.
furthermore ako huku nyeri and i assume.
you are in nairobi.
wacha ikae

Ok sawa basi

nipe through pass niko nax vegas. Rware ni dakika moja leo niko na toyota camry mambo teketeke

i dont know if she would accept another dikdik.

You will die, driving like a madman for pussy.


Hit it boss but do not tell,delete memory also but usimpe ball.

Haha this village never dissapointsā€¦ *the worst thing about asking for advice from third parties is that you already have made your decisionā€¦ Listen to your matumbo_guts

Thatā€™s your conscience speaking to you right there (in blue), and osungu.dll (in red).


Half-Saved ndio kuwa vipi tena? This is like believing in mermaids.

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what I got from your posts in the past week is that you not one care for what people think about you ā€¦am surprised you are yet to clean her pool if indeed its true then nothing is impossible ata sosion na kaimenyi can reconcile.