Digusting People


This is disgusting.

Watu waende nyumbani

Nigerians huwa hivyo tuu. Glad that lady stood up to her.

Siwezimind kulamba hio pad

Amerusha teabag ya @cortedivoire :green_emoji:

Ah yes, bonobos doing bonobo things. What’s new?

Nigeria should be fenced to keep these uncouth beasts inside their country. I hate brash and crass beings.

She was protesting, she has been waiting at the airport over 48 hrs…no hotel, no pads no shower after being rejected to fly by KQ.Both parties could have handled the issues differently.KQ just like Makena @TrumanKapote ingekua ni mzungu travelker , hawangemtreat hivyo!

Loud mouth nigerians! Warudi tu kwao.