beta chieth anajaribu kufuga kunguru
Hii iko kwa groups mob sana za Telegram
Kama gani moja?
Stuff kama izo mtu anaguess tu na kusema. Because a normal jjman wouldn’t have tolerated such and would have already chased the wife
But some men (and women) are psychos and they can do such stuff. I know of a guy who paid a friend to lure his kunguru wife into such a situation and wife ingiad box. She was exposed and that was the end of the relationship.
But if he has had some suspicions about her fidelity, then well played. Once she turns up for the meet up then it is game over. And may it amicable asimuue.
But can I just ask a quick question…he is posting all these knowing the wife also goes online? fake story!
Maybe the wife has never ventured into the internet. Maybe ni wale wa mulika mwizi
That’s the case. A typical female has loads of unreplied messages in her inbox she wouldn’t have time for such.
I guess if its in the internet, then its true.
fake chieth