Diesel from Waste

Lately have been going through research papers to understand the different technologies that convert plastic to fuel. While research has concluded it’s possible and pilot projects successfully implemented the technologies commercialisation of the idea has proven elusive.
Recycling companies can’t turn profit from such ventures and currently all startups in waste to energy have failed despite support from governments and industry giants which happen to be the polluters such as BP. Natural gas from mining is cheaper than it’s alternative from recycling it doesn’t make business sense to go down that road. However, jet fuel from waste plastic has been proven to be cheaper and cleaner than from fossil fuels yet the startups specialising in plastic to jet fuel have closed shop lately.
So is waste to fuel argument hype or hope? Can the climate change urgency give such technologies another chance? Will we be able to finale burn our way out of the trash problem or will it remain elusive?

Personally have been figuring out how to establish such a venture now that fuel prices have skyrocketed. Basically the technology is there and the end product is even cleaner than the fuel we already use here but am keen to understand why such projects in the past failed - basically to learn from their mistakes but haven’t been able to get into contact with any of the founders.

Anyone with an idea of why they failed? maybe oil marketers felt threatened and succeeded in closing them down.

your brains is too big for such streets . try some other highways like reddit

Well technology is there. Cost becomes a factor. Start with where you will get the waste because there’s already people paying for it. So you will have to compete with hao wahindi. One thing is that if you see a technology you like and you have an ideas around it, post it here so we can break it down. At least you will get points you didn’t think of.

If you’ve one tonne of waste, how many litres of fuel will you extract, and how much energy will be used to process that one tonne , also add labor and factor in the pollution.
Take that versus pumping a litre of crude oil from the ground.
Manufacturing one electric car causes more harm to the environment than drilling for oil. Anyways, how about recycling plastic to make fabrics ?

I did my PhD in biopolymers and I can confidently say that these efforts remain largely theoretical.

Do you also understand your said confidence is theoretical?

Depending on the replies here, I think you should focus on waste from diesel

The reason is the oil oligarchy monopoly system. That means, if a large percentage of countries would start to implement biofuels that would be a direct competition to the status quo and the people who decides the world market aren’t going to let that stand because of obvious reasons. Case study is Kuwait, they were researching on recycling rubber tires into some different biofuels…and only after been strong armed did they get the go ahead to run trials on biofuels that excluded petrol, diesel etc. The technology is there, problem is, the people running the world won’t allow it. Fossil fuels… That’s so naive. How many ancient creature’s do you think died to make sure Saudi Arabia has been pumping out 1 million barrels per day of crude oil for the last 60 years and still is pumping out and will continue to? Fossil fuel? And Saudi isn’t the only country that pumps out oil remember. If oil is a fossil product then the same applies to water, don’t you think?