Did you know black americans were more successful 100 years ago?

Did you know that black americans were more successful and owned more buisnesses 100 years ago? So what changed?

1900-1930s is refered to as the The golden age of black entrepreneurship, during that time Blacks were increasingly segregated. However the more they were cut off from the larger white community, the more black entrepreneurs succeeded in establishing flourishing businesses that catered to a black clientele. The most rapid growth came in the early 20th century, As the increasingly rigid Jim Crow system of segregation moved urban blacks into a community large enough to support a business establishment. When white businessmen reduced their contacts with black customers, black entrepreneurs rushed to fill the vacuum by starting banks, insurance companies and numerous local retailers and service providers. Furthermore, the number of black doctors and lawyers increased sharply and by 1920, there were tons of thounsands of black buisnesses. This also meant success for black people as they were family orientated in those days and could build generational wealth.

So what happened?

Even though it wasn’t uncommon for some of those prospering communities to be attacked by jealous white people who burned everything down, they where actually rebuilt because there was no other choice. But in the 50-60s black people started the Civil right movement which was the biggest hoax in history, it went on making the black community consumers instead of producers. Instead of continueng building their own, black people fought for their rights to dine in white owned restaurants with white people. When desegregation started black people stopped spending money at black buisnesses and would rather go into a white community where they would spend their money and this meant that those black business that were once prospering became bunkrupt. High income black people rather moved into white communities where they were not wanted and suffer racism than build up their own communities. This has continued till today and its estimated that asian americans keep a dollar in their community 120 times longer than black americans because they engage in group economics where they buy from each other unlike black people which is why its not common for asians to drive to white/black communities to buy goods while its the norm for black people to drive to white/asian/non black communities to buy goods. It also should be said that today most of the shops in black communities are white or asian owned. Another thing is that they stopped being family orientated after desegregation with the ‘‘strong independent black women’’ agenda being pushed and also the gangster mentality of having several baby mamas.

You may look at black people prospering in sports such as the NFL, but those black men fail to build generational wealth for black people and the black community. Most of them marry white women (Inferiority complex: ‘‘You’re only successful once you have a white women’’) and transfer the wealth to the white community once again. The richest black american, Robert F Smith is also married to a white women, so they fail in building generational wealth for their communities.

Once black americans wake up and start thinking as a community and work together is when they will prosper, they did it 100 years ago because they were forced to work together by the laws in place.

Here is a video of Tulsa, Oklahoma A.K.A Black Wall Street, in the 1920 which was one of the prospering black communities. It was unfortunately burned down by poor racists whites in the 1921 Tulsa race riot(A black man was accused of raping a white women and gave the poor racists jungus the motivation that they had long waited for).


This incident was a lesson to black people , if you succeed we will bring you down …they burnt everything out of jealusy …i would say something about these khaki-colord people but hii maneno ya 5 years social media history to enter USA won’t let me say what i really mean .

I will agree with you to some degree ,the black community was and is still sabotaged by the white community by introducing drugs and guns. Drugs and guns have destroyed the social economic development of the black community to shocking levels,many young black men are in jail ,dead or addicts thus ruining the family structure s of black community.

Yes i know all of those things but those things were easily to implement once black people stopped working as a community once integration started. Before that they were forced to work together and find solutions. Its actually not the poor blacks that are the problem but the middle and high income blacks who are the problem in regards of socio economics, if they started group economics they could turn around a lot of their communities.

Nice read!

I agree with you ,but most successful black people are “new rich” ,sport personality and media personality s,most are illiterate/ poor educational background and social climbers and lack the intelligence to invest the money and skills required to uplift the whole community,they would rather " ball"

Nothing lasts forever

What happened was, once the negro were able to access white establishments, they left their black entrepreneurs, and headed for the finer things.
Hata leo kenya, uchumi ikiwa poa, tutaenda 5 star and that will signify the end of vibandas.

Not necessary nicer things, black people believe that the white mans ice is colder. And you should know that engaging in groups economics which will enrich the communities buissness will allow them to expand, just as the white, asians, arab and indian buisnesses. An asian man once said: ”Black people are the most stupidiest race that ever walked this earth, i can set up a shop near a black shop in a black cummunity and they will help me bankrupt their own black shop”.

Niliona jayz amekuwa billionaire was ukweli juzi, invested very well in art, wines and music.

Hata the same applies to the wahindi in Kenya

Hata the same applies to the wahindi in Kenya

Very true, and look how Indians threat Africans in India but we are quick to buy from their stores…

Wishing him all the best as a billionaire but how much of that wealth does he use as capital in businesses that create economic opportunities for his fellow black community?

Upuss. The black man is not worth saving. He is like a hungry rabid dog that only needs a little energy after feeding it to bite you. If in doubt, analyse the brothers you have tried to help at their hour of need. Most if not all grow horns after umewatoa kwa shida. That is if they don’t become entitled cunts to your stuff. Worse are people you bring into your business eti msaidiane. If they don’t bankrupt you by looting the capital ukitoka kidogo, they will be silently praying for your downfall.

the African can’t be helped unless he changes his mind, his outlook and his disposition.

And this is exactly why black people are where they are, both you and your brothers are a menace to black people.

The problem of the african is that he doesn’t love himself and think himself to be inferior to others, once you fix that you will see how easy it is to fix the rest.