
@Panyaste , @Ka-Buda , hii Europe mwaishije? Been here since Sunday, will be around for the next 2 years as part of my secondment.
Walami wengi madem wamechapa, hamna madem wenye figa safi kama waafrika na kimavazi wako down. Hii life ni ngumu, hata kwa streets kupata dem mwenye curves ni ngumu. Hivi huku palmela ndo order of the day ama?
I miss Nai already!


It’s winter, people rarely go outside. Hao unakutana nao ni machokosh ama watu hawajipendi and going by the picture nikama uko gichagi ya Europe. Where u @?

Nunua simu mpya iko na higher definition ndiyo tuweze kujua uko wapi na vile tutakusaidia…

One of the Schengen countries but not Germany.

Let me guess, uko UK.
Huyo manzi ako mbele yako amebeba bag ya Co-op supermarket.
Na ako na haga sizeable by the way sijui unataka haga size gani.

No, UK isn’t a Schengen country if am not wrong. Huyo dem ni angle ya camera perhaps but ni mifupa

A guy is in a foreign territory and the only thing messing up his mind is anticipated blue balls…wpnders never cease.

Wrong Time to be in any Schengen country.
Giza mpaka March next year.
But all will be well in Summer.
Hao waschana unaona overdressed in winter gear watatembea almost naked.
Mvumilivu hula mbivu.

Blue balls should worry any normal man…in rare cases it doesn’t bother a man unless the man in question is abnormal

Boss na uko na Faceboook and tinder??? ongeza Escort sites… Sijui unangoja nini… Side ya Manchester had a An Escort Kunguru who offers vservices at 60 ponds an hrs incall,150 pounds outcall…So just find a way around my friend…

Brothels are everywhere and they are legal.
Lakini enda pub ujishindie blonde bombshell for free ata kama ni nyanya kibogoyo alafu ulete Hekaya.

So the choices are limited here, yaani anything goes?

Inakaa hii jamaa ni first time… Huko amekua NV… Tutangojea hekaya… Mwambie akienda na Escort afyeke kwanza ndo ajitibu na any drinks atakua served coz most huwa generous as part of customer service…And his part should be maximising utility per hourly/daily rate paid…

True but it shouldn’t be a fultime obsession…that would be abnormal

I wouldn’t pay more than £40 for nyap ata kama ni muindi.
Beste uligongwa.

Hii nakubali, but the culture and preferences huku ni tafauti sana na nilivyozoea kwa hiyo niwie radhi

Kumbe hii ng’ombe ni NV kuniliko?

Wahindi nimewatomba Nai with as low as 2k, wale wa ngara

Choices are not limited but I thought you wanted a quick fix. Ama umekuja kutafuta Bibi?
Go to a nightclub then.
Kwanza ni weekend.
Most of the young women will actually approach you Kwanza ukijifanya kondoo.

Wee ükïrï müici…