I come out of the warm shower 10 missed calls, I hit dail and before two rings she picks up…
"Ukoo…?? "
“Two minutes tuko tao”
And I quickly hung up… I prepare, pick up the car keys and hit the road. 45 minutes later am in town, I park somwhere opposite nation media and she’s waiting there with two of her freinds, we head to Tuskys beba beba and 25 minutes later we come out with two large shopping bags stuff them into the boot and hit Thika highway the stereo booming to "… Everybody feeling airee… No bad vybz in this here partyy… "
4 hours later after alot of stopovers we check into chaka ranch, she is talking endlessly about how she wants to try a quad bike surprisingly her cute “bff” n I aren’t into quads so we remain behind and I can swear I got quick blow job as we waited for them to come back. It’s a good day lots of fun lots of booze money is blown… And at around 4 we are heading back to Nairobi
At 9 P. M am at home she has cooked supper, a fish bout at sagana with ugali, and now laying in bed a text pops in
“Pleasure meeting you”
It’s the cute “bff”
I smile to myslef
“See you saturday then, just you n me”
"Definitely… " smiley emoji
Before I head to the shower a call comes in… (Baby Mama)
I let her leave two missed calls then call her after my shower
"Haee… Hope you came back safe… "
"Am glad you had a safe journey. Hope your not too tired remember we have lunch together tomorrow "
“Sorry am wasted, lets schedule for next weekend… Goodnight kiss my daughter goodnight”
Flight mode