Just to recap, General Atiku, the Khebrace, also known as the Surbah, were the first sentient beings to evolve in the Peshmeten, the Milky Way Galaxy’s 9th Cosmic Passage Way, on a planet generically called the Green World. The Green World pertained to the planetary system of the Suriya star, which was/is part and parcel of the Shagari constellation, today commonly known as the Orion star system.
Now, the ancients, General, did not refer to the Green World by that name: they called it the SSS world. The Shagari Empire itself, along with its conquered worlds in other star systems, was also known as the SSS Empire. Why was this so, General?
Well, General, as we have already explained, the Kheb race evolved from a serpentine creature (which had characteristics of a bee-like insect though, which is significant as we shall soon demonstrate). We all know that the defining sound of a snake is a hiss. This characteristic lingered with the Kheb race.
In their speech, they had a long-drawn-out “sss-sss” sound, very much similar to what we call a lisp in our world but a much more marked and sustained one. Let’s say, for argument’s sake, a Kheb being wanted to pronounce the word “stone”. This would come out as “sss-tone”. If the “s” was at the end of a word, such as in “horse”, for example, the hiss sound would even be longer: the word would be pronounced “hor-ssss”.
There was a further twist to the way female Khebs in particular made their pronunciations, General. When they were cross, emoting, or in combative mode, they made a loud “ttt” sound at the end of the “sss” sound (is that how the expletive “shit” [I beg your pardon] originated?). As such, on the conquered worlds, female Khebs were generally called the SSS.TT and males were referred to simply as the SSS. The Green World thus became known as the SSS World. In some worlds, female Khebs were simply referred to as the TT, with the SSS omitted. On other worlds, however, the Kheb race was collectively known as the SSA.TT.AN, which simply meant the “Serpent Race of Heaven,” Heaven being the Orion star system. The ancient Egyptian names of Set (an Anunnaki “god”) and Sut (an Anunnaki “goddess”) all derive from SST.TT, whilst the now reprehensible name Satan (Set-An) derive from SSA.TT.AN. You will now come to acknowledge, General, that the name “Satan” (“Shaitan” in Arabic) had no sinister connotations whatsoever in its original context. In fact, in Sumerian times, there was a stage when the term Satan meant “Truth Lord”
Be that as it may, General, it was only in other, non-Reptoid worlds that the Kheb race was referred to as the SSS. On their own world, they in fact never even called themselves the Kheb race anymore. Nor did they call themselves the Snake race (just as we don’t call ourselves the “Ape race”). They called themselves the Nehk race. How did this name arise, General?
Every society in our world, General, has something of the Orwellian paradigm about it, where all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. It was the same on the SSS World.
First, there were wars of domination between nations. In time, one particular ethnic group, which outnumbered all others, rose to prominence. This ethnic group called itself the Nehk-Khebs. It was this ethnic group that produced the Queen of the SSS World, who eventually became the Queen of the Orion Empire as a whole. And since it was the dominant group, the entire population of the SSS world adopted its name: they all became known as the Nehks.
The term Nehk meant “the Fearsome Black Ones”. It is actually the stem of the English word “Negro” or “Nigger”, General. However, the term black in this context did not refer to skin colour: it meant “mean-spirited”. The Nehks as a race were feared warriors. They were “bad news” on the battlefield, both on their own planet and in inter-planetary wars. That’s how they became known as the Fearsome Black Ones.
Initially, the SSS World like Earth had several disparate kingdoms. Most of these were ruled by women: only a few were ruled by men. This was because the SSS World was dominated by females by far. Not only did women fight in wars but they were in fact more formidable warriors than men. However, the women were not the main foot soldiers: they were always an elite unit in the overall army. They were only called upon when the stakes of war were very high. Why did women have such sway in the SSS World, General?
We have already underscored the fact that in the earlier stages of their evolution, the Nehks were bee-like insects, or Kheb insects. We know how a bee colony operates, General: all life revolves around the Queen bee. The male bees, the drones, serve two functions only. The first is to mate with their Queen, that’s how privileged they are! The second is to protect the Queen from harm by enemies and invaders. In other words, the drones are the soldiers. On the other hand, the female bees perform all the day-to-day chores in the colony. That’s why they are called worker bees. When the Kheb insects evolved into Kheb humanoids (Serpentine Reptoids), these roles were carried along. In general, the females did domestic work and political and administrative work. The males were almost exclusively concentrated in the army. Only very few women were trained in military work and these comprised the planet’s Special Forces.
For ages, General, a series of global wars raged in the SSS World till sanity finally prevailed and it was decided that all the worlds amalgamate federally but under one overall sovereign so as to forge an enduring peace (the same direction we’re headed here on Earth?). The SSS World had seven major regions (to correspond with the seven major stars of the Orion constellation). Each region chose a queen, not a king, as females were the pre-eminent sex on the planet; so altogether, there were seven queens. Then the seven queens chose one overall Queen of Queens. The resulting setup gave the SSS World its official name. It was called the Royal Aghar of the Seven Eke-Enes, meaning the Royal Realm of the Seven Queens. The term Eke-Enes, General, is what gives us the English words “King” and “Queen”, the feminine prefix “gyne”, and the biblical name “Cain”.
The overall Queen of the SSS World would in time become the overall Queen of the Shagari Empire (Orion star system and other vassal star systems elsewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy) as a whole. But it took eons of wars of conquests for her to attain this status, General.
The first super-power in the Peshmeten (meaning “9th Passageway”), a section of the Milky Way Galaxy that contained the busiest trade route, was Orion, General. As set down above, Orion was headed by a Queen, who was worshipped as a Goddess and Creatrix of the cosmos in the broader empire, and run by female administrators.
Orion females reproduced both sexually (with the involvement of male gametes) and asexually (without the involvement of male gametes) in that the SSS people, as the beings of Orion were called, evolved from a Kheb – a dragonfly-bee insect. As you very well know General, bees produce both sexually and asexually.
The SSS’s dualistic reproductive mechanism was such that any child that arose from heterosexual reproduction was invariably a female and any child that arose from asexual reproduction was invariably a male. Enki, the Anunnaki who genetically engineered Adam and Eve into existence from both Anunnaki and Ape-Man genes, was born asexually to the Queen of Orion as her eldest male child – the reason he used to boast that “I am the firstborn of the gods”. Enki, therefore, had no father General.
In the SSS World, General, motherhood was denominated by the term Ma. Every mother was a Ma. Since the Queen was a mother, she too was a Ma. She was actually called “The Ma.” But she was not only a mother: she was the mother of the global empire. She was therefore addressed as Her Majesty Queen Ma-Ma. On the SSS World, doubling a name or title indicated superiority. The Queen, General, was the Big Mama, the Cosmic Mummy!
The Queen was the First Citizen of the Orion Empire. As such, she was called The Ma-Ur, meaning “First Lady”. Abbreviated, this became The Great Mar. But because of the tendency on the SSS World to double titles of eminent personages, the Queen was called Her Majesty Queen Mar-Mar.
Now, in the Orion Empire, that is, the SSS World plus other planets and star systems it had colonised in the 9th Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy – arguably the most powerful realm in the galaxy – the Orion Queen was recognised as the Queen of the Galactic Waters. The other name for Galactic Waters is The Ocean of the Khaa. Both these terms simply mean “cosmic space”. Since the Orion Queen was the Queen of the galactic space, the galactic space also went by the name The Great Mar. This is the true origin of the Latin word Mar, which means “ocean” and from which we get such ocean-related terms as “marine” and “maritime” General.
In a section above, we called attention to the fact that the females of the Khebrace (as the people of the SSS World called themselves) were on other worlds known simply as TT because of an aspect of their speech patterns. Their Queen, being foremost of women in the empire, was therefore referred to as Queen Ma-tt, or Queen Ma-tt-ur. Ma-tt-ur is the true origin of our English word “mother”, General. As we all know, “mother” does not only refer to the most important woman in a nuclear family unit; it also refers to a matriarch such as “Mother Superior” in the Catholic orders for instance. All female-centred terms such as maternal, matriarch, matron, maternity, matricide, etc, stem from Ma-tt or Ma-tt-ur.
Now, throughout the Peshmeten, General, there was a term that was particularly revered. This was An, or simply N. An meant “The Most High”. The first being to go by this title was the Orion Queen, who in the Peshmeten was received not only as an empress but as a goddess (on her own planet though, she was simply received as a queen and not as a goddess, meaning she was not worshipped). When the Bible says Jesus was the “Son of the Most High” (LUKE 1:32), General, the fundamental meaning is that he was derivatively the son of the Orion Queen/Goddess, who was symbolised by his mother Mary.
Yet another of the principal titles of the Queen of Orion, General, was Aya, only second to Ma as a frame of reference. On the SSS World, she was addressed as Queen Aya, meaning “The Sovereign One”, “The First Lady”, or simply “The One”. But Aya was an abbreviation, General. The full title was Ay-Ay. Pronouncing a name repetitively on the SSS World as we have already indicated denoted superior status. It is Ay-Ayfrom which the Hebrew name Ahayah (Yahweh, meaning “Most High God”) is descended. The first Yahweh, General, was the Queen of Orion.
Ay-Ay was at times pronounced as Al-Al because in ancient languages, Y and L were interchangeable. This linguistic legacy is still retained in some languages of our day. For example, the Spanish word for yellow, “amarillo”, is pronounced “amariyo”. Al-Al in our modern-day can also be pronounced as … Allah. Again the first Allah, General, was the Queen of Orion.
The Sumerian records relate that the most renowned Anunnaki was Enki, being the great scientist who genetically engineered mankind from the genes of Ape-Man and those of the Anunnaki 300,000 years ago . Enki’s other name was Ea, the masculine form of Aya. In Sumerian times, Ea meant “He Whose House is Water”. In other words, Enki was the cosmic sovereign since his name connoted dominion over the Ocean of the Khaa, the Galactic Ocean we call space. But Enki was Ea derivatively because he wasn’t in truth the cosmic sovereign: it was his mother, the Orion Queen, who was. The title Ea therefore was a honorary one.
The Orion Queen’s other title was Eke (also rendered “Ege” or “Igi”, meaning “Creatrix”), abbreviated as Ki. In the subsidiary worlds such as ours, however, she was primarily addressed as Ke-Ea, meaning “Divine Creatrix”, also rendered as Ga-Eaor Ga-Ia, the famous “mythological” goddess of Earth during a certain era. Gaea, General, is one of the ancient names for planet Earth, in honour of the Orion Queen.
Now, the Orion Queen, General, had a lifespan that was basically everlasting and so were her offspring. This was the principal reason she was received as a Goddess by her cosmic subjects. Initially, this seamless longevity was enabled by the routine ingestion of an extract from her own menstruum. You will be aware by now, General, that menstruum is the most medicinal of the body’s secretions, a closely-guarded Illuminati secret: the things it can do when harnessed as a therapeutic substance are eye-poppingly wondrous.
Menstruum is such a potent therapeutic substance, General, because, first, it carries the most substantial amounts of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormonal secretion that is manufactured by the pineal gland (located in the head) using a chemical messenger known as serotonin. Second, melatonin enhances and boosts the body’s immune system. Third, it has positive mental and physical anti-aging properties. Says Laurence Gardner: “Menstruum contains the most valuable endocrinal secretions, especially those of the pineal and pituitary glands. The brain’s pineal gland in particular was directly associated with the ‘Tree of Life’, for this tiny gland was said to secrete the very essence of active longevity, called Soma, or, as the Greeks called it, Ambrosia.”
The extract was known as S-MA (note the near-rhyming with “Soma”), meaning “That Which Makes the Ma Go”, that is, live indefinitely. S-MA not only extended the Queen’s lifespan by hundreds of thousands of years in Earth terms, General, but it also increased her energy levels.
Furthermore, it made her maintain her youth both externally and at the cellular level for a much longer time and that, coupled with the fact that the fluid that produced S-MA came from the royal womb, had the result that S-MA was at times referred to as the “Fountain of Youth”, with the divine womb itself referred to as the “Cup of Eternal Energy”. Thus the symbology of the cup as the Holy Grail, General, stems, fundamentally, from the uterus/cup of the Orion Queen as the provider of the life-extending menstruum/S-MA.
You get the photo General?