Despite their love for Chinese money and Chinese audiences, Hollywood is tanking.

[SIZE=5]Being woke isn’t going as planned. Njaruo @slevyn where is that Chinese money that you promised these Hollywood producers bana? Your uncle Obama promised, what’s not happening bana???

Suicide Squad = budget $185 million = box office $71 million only.

Black widow = $200 million = returns $356 million.

Where is that Chinese money???



Not many people are risking going to the cinema this covid19 times. Hata mimi siwegsi enda na vile Delta inamalisa watu.

Utoe $10 kwa mfuko uende ukaone movie ya ushonde kama suicide squad? Hata wewe uko na roho.

I tried watching the latest king kong movie hata sikufika half way. So woke, boring and stupid.

The last good movie I watched was Crawl by a filmmaker who isn’t so woke. Just brief and straight to the point. Before that was Bone Tomahawk. No nonsense, no woke bullshit, kick ass bloodshed.

But if you are truly woke, me too movement you’d better netflix and chill and watch Blood red sky which is new and not too bad either. Woke but watchable. Lakini suicide squad… I am sure in that film there’s a character who says, “You jus’ don know how hard it is to be black in Gotham city !” … or wherever it’s based.

Same thing happening to sports.

Pride cometh before a fall. Wacha wakule ujeuri.


You have conveniently failed to mention that the flicks were released on streaming platforms, a factor that has created issues between Mickey House studio and a lead cast.

Seriously though, I hope the woke bullshit fucks up Hollywood real proper

Streaming is the new straight to dvd or straight to video. Basically the producer doesn’t have confidence in his movie recouping costs so anaitupa straight to video.

Kwani where were you when Warner Bros and Disney+ announced that they’ll be having same day releases in theaters and on their platforms?

Sound like panicked studios who know their product is shitty but they must release it because they have spent millions on it.

Or maybe COVID-19 did a number

There’s a certain population that has time and money to buy seasonal tickets, go to the movies on Saturday and Sunday, and donate a few dollars to their favorite teams.
These are those old folks you meet at the gym at 9am , or at the mall taking their morning walks. When you start rainbow manenos and taking a knee when the National anthem is playing, they’ll respectfully show you the middle finger.

But streaming pia ni outlet moja noma sana theatre sio mambo yote. Wasikudanganye ati streaming ni umeffi na haileti revenue. Otherwise they wouldn’t use it.

If they released a film like John Wick 4 purely on streaming bado itarudisha juu audience inangoja kwa hamu. Lakini nani huyo alikuwa anangojea suicide squad 2 after the first trash film full of fake acting, zero characters?

Or some movie about some fantasy feminist for that matter.

(For instance old school movies like Terminator, Jurassic park or Home Alone have made a killing on video rentals or straight to video and streaming. That is why that asshole Schwarznegger maintains a super expensive lifestyle decades later juu kila mwezi au kila wiki yeye hupewa cheque ya terminator.)

Streaming is the future and the present. The studios are assured steady figures every month…whether a movie hits or not