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unaenda show ya Rick Ross[ATTACH=full]168344[/ATTACH]
pitia hapo kwa bar niko na 2 momo friends nitakurushia mmoja
Does he do momos?
@Deorro hapo tumecheswa. Only one hour performance ya Rick Ross
Na ali wachafua macho by kuwa onyesha hio kitambi yake?:D:D:D:D
Now that’s he’s washed up amefika Kenya eh ?
9k for a one hour performance?
Ngai fafa!
But he was humble and interacted with his fans unlike those west africans who think they are demigods
Rick Ross ningeenda show yake back in 2011-2014.Sahii siwezi lipia hata angeitisha 1500 ile ya 2-chains
I used to wonder mbona hapati Awards za BET na vile alikuwa na bidii
Concert ndio hii hapa
Hizi ngoma zote aliperform ni TBT
How much was he paid?
25 Million for 1 Hour
And how much did that event make?