Democrats now using racism as a cover for corruption.

There’s a black lady in this tweet who has said that she has lived in New York her whole life and has never noticed nor experienced any of these issues being said here by Booty Buttigieg. She asks kwani the fake “racism” narrative has been hijacked from blacks and is now being used to achieve other ends?

For instance the governor of Nairobi wants to build a new road on a spot where the old road has no issues. Anatafuta vile atakula pesa. So he gives an excuse, “this road you see here was built by the British beberu and it divided Africans and mzungu. We need a new road here which is less racist!”

Actually in hindsight Gathecha has done a few such projects, “This road needs a BRT and new coating of tarmac!”

Ameharibu barabara ya Kibaki…
