Deepstate in panic mode after additional 6000 polling stations

The clearest indication of where the election is heading has always been the enthusiasm of new voters. Welder from Leverkusen perceived strongholds (Nairobi , Turkana and Narok got an average of 110 additional polling stations. Voter apathy wakingoja deepstate :D:D

Uko sure si mbotoshop

Ayyy Bomet 420

Enyewe Baba truly is Bondo bound.

Voter suppression is rigging.

Aki ya ngai kama hii ni ukweli, wacha niseme kama kale kamzae ka battleship; " some Barry Gon kiss the donkey’s @$$". Machoss loading. Angalia hio kipande imeegemewa.

Hii sio ukweli. In this year’s elections, polling stations were reduced by four following the merging of 7 polling stations into three in the Kimilili constituency in Bungoma county.

Kericho 690