October 12, 2022, 5:01am
Actually what is this “cause”?
Is it by covid, stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure or fever?
If you have watched Breaking Bad, you may remember a scene where Walter White decided to kill the murderous kingpin and drug addict Tuco. Him and his assistant Jesee hatched a plan to give Tuco a cyanide laced meth sachet for sampling. After sampling Tuco would never know what hit him and any post mortem would not reveal any traces of this poison.
“The autopsy result will show that this scum of the earth, died of natural causes probably due to drug abuse. We will thus be in the clear” Concluded White.
The plan backfired terribly but as fate would have it Tuco died in a hail of bullets shortly thereafter.
Months later towards the end of the show, Walter managed to pull the same on that logistics lady who had planned to have him killed. He did it by stealthy spiking her favourite beverage with the same.
This time round he was successful.
I am not alluding to anything but when a healthy relatively young man just dies and we are told that it was due to natural causes, I wonder what these causes are…
It is natural for someone to die when he is healthy and young, this has been the case for thousands of years
October 13, 2022, 6:10pm
Nothing like natural causes. It all goes down to a particular organ shutting down completely due to “causes” which could be suffocation, poisoning, trauma, blood loss etc