Dear Kenyan Kids....

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But Kenyan kids even at 28 feel so entitled! they feel like their parent is obligated to pay for their cigarettes & school fee.

Anything our African parents do for us after we’re 18 years, is out of Love and wanting to see us Make it… If they chose to throw us out at 18 and or, make us work to pay half the bills in their homes, and work at 16 to pay for our own Tuition like 18 year olds in the first world countries are made to, most of us here drinking & bragging with university fee money, and money conned from a poor mother, if the same responsibility was applied - and should be… We would be homeless, out in the cold, be grateful very grateful that your pops & ma’ are selling their cow to pay for that certificate…kids at 19 somewhere are working part time jobs to pay for their degree… After such sacrifice Then y’all forget them in the village…Smh

… they don’t even want your money they just wanna see their child come home, and see you all shining…

Alafu kuna kimtu kiko 26 mahali kina stress wazazi tu na ulevi, wizi na matusi; parents and the whole village have the right to throw you out, you’re government property anyway.!
and you call this art… meffi

I beg to differ 50%,some parents spoil their kids by never teaching them the value of money then they suddenly flip the script on their children at 26 when its too late.if a parent decides to give their kid everything so that they don’t suffer like they did…then keep doing it.Its cruel to shower children with money especially rich parents then abandon them when they become drug addicts.Most parents like abandoning their grown up babies yet they themselves were problem children who also made it coz their parents mantained their presence.Times have changed,circumstances are different and a graduate is likely to remain jobless for decade.The youth need guidance before being dismissed like tissue paper. kwanza wazazi wa middle class…they reminisce they easy days of switching jobs junior anaskiza anapata stress anatoa stress na cocaine.When 15 year olds are armed robbers…society needs to accept poor parenting is a major contributing factor.

…that is why we should have less kids. Parenthood like priesthood etc is a calling. Not everyone has what it takes to parent. Its not about material wealth only. If only marriage and single parenthood weren’t so glorified things would be different. Its a good thing most of the youth nowadays do no want to marry. Now if the girls would stop popping kids ofyo ofyo the situation may correct itself in the future

Its not only parents, teachers should also take the blame coz they spend more time with the kids as well, they should mould the children into morally upright citizens @gashwin

I have this urge to call you a self righteous misogynist prick right now. May I ? :slight_smile:

sisi kama walimu :D:D:D:D:D:D tulikuwa tunajaribu part yetu mpaka wakati mliweka child rights na nikiguza toto jeuri na kiboko mnanikimbiza kortini. nilinawa mkono nikasema mkule ujeuri wenu…

Wolololo kamenuka

Hapo sasa comrade… Job ni kufunza Mtoto… Tabia achia mzazi

As a parent its your responsibility to ensure the kid is brought up well. Never ever try to shift that cardinal responsibility. A teacher handles thousands of students where hundreds will succeed in life of which s/he will be proud of.
Years back they used to say that a childs up-bringing was the responsibility of the society, but when the child fails or became a nuisance to the society it was a burden to the parents and parents were the sole laughing stock not the society.
Nobody blames a teacher becoz of your kids failure in life, never.

Apparently there’s this garden variety of pseudofucks et al, whose pussies spring a foul leak whenever a dude mentions any unpleasant truth of her gender…like pubescent girls thinking it’s OK to pop babies left, right & centre just because they were silly enough to become pregnant to start with; goats & cattle have no choice, humans do…anyway, perhaps she’s one of them disgruntled single kunguru moms here to get back instead of taking it up with the seed issuer.

We ain’t blaming teachers, we are appealing to them to help out

Blame the single mothers. They are raising some of the most mannerless brats of all time. Personally nimeskia mtoi less that 5yrs akiitana motherfu*ker at a swimo. All the drunk mother said was “wacha kusema ivo daddy”. I hate beating kids. Can’t hit mine. That’s why I pray for a ruthless wife. Plus I have a rule. Mtoi akifikisha 20yrs atoke kwangu.

That’s an oxymoron right there.

Kids barely out of puberty cannot make wise decisions and that is why we have ‘statutory rape’ WHICH applies to both genders ,not just females . I find it a bit immature to put the blame on one side really . You can go ahead and call us pseudofucks or whatever but this ‘boy child’ mentality y’all got going is exhausting. For once let us discuss an issue without going on defense mode about our sexes.


:):slight_smile: I know. I know she doesn’t get pregnant on her own but we have to start somewhere…

Watu wabebe mzigo wao, if you raise a brat who cannot be independent that is your problem deal with it. Responsibility ni ya mzazi si jamii

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D true and I can relate.

My baby girl who is turning 13 this May and her friends have written a script and sent it to one of the other mums who works in Disney(she may be working in the ticket booths for all I know) and already my baby has this idea of being a producer and jetting off to Disney world in a few months time. I asked her about schooling and she gave me a puzzled look and said. "oh yeah…hadn’t thought of that." Next question - who will look out for her? and here she just said “You are” so I asked her where that leaves the dad,her other siblings and my job and again she gave me that blank look.

The thing is, at that age,kids do not look at the big picture.They cannot and it’s not their fault they have to learn these things at a pace. So when someone tries blaming them for listening to sweet lies and giving in, it utterly disgusts me to the nth degree.

unfortunately the bill for the irresponsibility is passed on to society.

I think if that point and age when they are so impressionable parents avail themselves and listen to their kids the problem would be more than half solved. Lakini raising kids especially teens is trial and error and a prayer every morning that abit of what you’ve said and done sticks and doesn’t come out the other ear

True but society won’t be kind and gentle that is why police are gunning down teenagers everyday in Eastlands