Deadman switch Design

IT geniuses I need advice about an idea I got. I think this could be a business avenue. A program that automatically sends the hidden funds to the main account at the owner’s demise. While at it, all who are owed get their worth.
This idea was born out of a story I was told by a friend while at Kiserian. A man who had bought land and started construction died. The house has seen five years in its unfinished state. If that is the house, what about his unclaimed assets.
A Deadman switch would be handy.

Good idea.but homicide will be on the rise.principal akimadwa pesa yote inakuja kwa main account and next of kin ni wife.

Of course that’s the main worry. How can it become untraceable? Only breathing at owner’s death. Plus I know you geniuses can stick parameters that could make a certain account the main/response account.

I’m not an IT guru myself,I only specialize on matters security. say something like a pacemaker?? Anything can be manipulated . maybe you suggest a normal banking system where the account holder goes there personaly every 3 months to avail their fingerprints… If they miss three consecutive times then automatically they are presumed dead and all the money is merged to one main account

@suspect we need to consider offshore account that rely on computer communication… Corrections are much appreciated.

There’s need to outweigh the pros and cons of such an undertaking…there’s much brain needed here. It is above my pay grade for now

what are you worried about?

Of course I am worried but if you psychoanalyse my post it will get bad. Considering my past.

Things will not get bad unless you let them.

You two are diverting from the main idea

Won’t writting a will do exactly that? Just giving power of attorney to a specific person and all info about accounts and instructions