DCI intentionally does bogus investigations.

One of bingwa’s cousins alishikwa jana. I suspect atapelekwa korti with a very flimsy case and will eventually be set free. Once he is free ATPU guys will capture him and he will probably never be seen again. This has got me thinking that DCI may have compelling evidence but it will be either mishandled or never used to make the case weak. How many terrorists, murderers and gangsters have been set free only to be killed a short time after. Either the evidence is flimsy or the sentence is short but once they are out of police custody wanamalizwa. Do they do it on purpose ama I’m just tripping?

Done on purpose. Hakuna kuweka criminal.

If you have judges who takes bags of money to decide cases the way you want then you can excpect other solutions.

Hii story kila mtu alikuwa ashaona jana usiku ukitombwa mkundu na @Sambam .

Bottom homosexual nikikuona kwa thread yangu tena ntakuitia Seattle PD. Unajua kuuza mkundu kule US ni illegal.

Hii story ime postiwa hapa mara kama hamsini. You need to wash off @Sambam 's spermatozoa from you eye balls so that you can see the other threads posted on the same subject matter.

Ndio kuamka from coma

security forces wako na machungu sana vile Bwire literally vanished into thin air infront of their eyes :D:D:D MLuhya saitani

There is no way he escaped. They are using misinformation tactics to make everyone believe they are not the ones who took him. Sirkali ni kali. Ata labda hayuko hii dunia.