Daytrading in NSE

Elders nichanueni everything; from spreads, brokers, etc

Is it worthy it and who has tried?

Tell me if this is worth a try

One day settlement is where they should emphasize.

Please just stop what you are trying to do. Even from looking at your equity and the kind of lot size you are using per trade from the beginning of the video it just shows that you clearly don’t know what you are doing. Wachia watu kama sisi hizo lot size zenye unajaribu kutumia because even the small cash you had hapo couldn’t sustain that trade. Lack of proper risk management will teach you a good lesson. Most probably you took the trade because of the Boc rate statement being released jana but the trick is to always wait for the right entry and the right time.

Last time I checked, stock brokers charge around 2% on buying and 2% on selling. As long as you can’t get around this, day trading is DOA

:D:D it is worth it if you know what you are doing , hio size yenye uliweka hapo ni kubwa , capital yenye ulikuwa nayo hapo ni yaku trade micro-lots sio standard lots.

:D:Dinstead of lecture, mjuaji ekelea statement yako hapa tuichambue

I don’t need to prove my track record to you. You know what I am saying is true. Umeficha balance coz you wiped out that account with just two trades. I have already told you, hujui kenye unafanya. Any trader will see what just happened in that video. You were trading the news which is something that only an expert can navigate through. Hiyo trade ni ya jana if I’m not wrong and that was one of the things that took you out…ohhh plus again, you had no clue of what you are trading and why you were trading when you placed those trades.

That is not my acc though. Was widely shared in WhatsApp. But 99% of those who purport to give advice online are just liers who make money thru teaching noobs and not trading

Brokers will clap your cheeks with commissions. Day trading is a fool’s errand.

Pole pole dadii

Is this from NSE? I don’t think so. I trade forex and US stocks. Am inquiring about NSE

he is part of the 90/90 rule … 90% of traders loose their capital in 90 days

It’s scam traders who do that not the real true traders

NSE watavuna sana from day-traders. Sasa wanafaa waanze kulipa IBs ndivyo wapate customers. The easiest target ni young men between 18 and 35 who dream of being rich by pressing a few buttons.

How are their spreads and which platform are they using?

I have never bothered to know.

if you have the spine for day trading, try margin trading on Binance, less commissions to pay and you will learn fast after losing a few shillings and going broke.