Dave Chapelle Reveals Homosexuality is an Agenda Being Ran

I once talked about this issue here. It’s a good thing Chappele has pointed it out. Apparently, in American you are better off killing motherfuckers but once you start talking shit about homosexuals, that’s where the line is drawn. Fucked up and an agenda being run here.


What puzzles me is that 30 minutes to midnight you are reading about homosexuality.

Went through the rest of the artistes run ins with the net, patriachal attacks are popular in the west

[ATTACH=full]390140[/ATTACH]Look at your ktalk input Chap. Look at it? Are you really proud of yourself?? You must be a very toxic fella in real life. And a low IQ at that one. And a homosexual at that. How do you survive with all those traits??

Good morning Mr. Otieno. Effeminate @PHARMACY and that juvenile with undescended testicles going by the name @tall mnyama everywhere are ones who provoked me yesterday. I am a humble soldier who troubles no one.

Kunywa fanta shenzi[ATTACH=full]390143[/ATTACH]

Sija soma …lakini the same Dave Chappelle … who always joked that every man in America needs to have atleast one gay friend … if u want easy hook up with some hot girls. I agree tho’ dem’ gay ma’fuckers usually hung out with some really hot chic’s banae.

Mkamba Mbonnie umenirudisha mbali na hio picha ya zamani.

Na hakukuwa fridge soda ilikuwa inawekwa ndani ya metal bucket ya maji baridi lakini bado inatwanga hio thirst na vumbi proper. Na mkate ya elliots.

Sijui kama ulikuta hizi straws za waxed paper?


Dave Chappelle is on netflix. Dave ako ndani ndani ndani ya Obama ga.y agenda.

Why do you think he is being highlighted so much? He is EXTREMELY WOKE and probably ga.y.

Wacha nikurudishe hapa karibu[ATTACH=full]390181[/ATTACH]

Mutisya nilijua tu utaweka tu kitu inaguzana na baiskeli, tyre na kutombana.

Kambas , rubber tyres , rubber dildos and fuacking or being fuacked go hand in hand hivi :


Not forgetting witchcraft.

:Dwacha hasira puana ,nilikua nakutumia dildo yako Patricia

:D:D:D hapo kuna kaukweli.

Yeah nikaa wanatuchezea reverse psychology hapo.

pokot homosexual tombwa mkundu polepole Kapedo

Niaje baba Clichy @Panyaste★ anakumaliza huko nje mbaya mbovu… kama bloody swine burukenge.