Seen this video where some nigga is fucking up some bitch while he is driving. It looks badass but not safe at all. Ukikufa utasema ulikufa ukifanya nini??
Check out the video
So a corpse is accountable to its death, mbona Musando hakutuambia his tale kabla azikwe
last i checked, dead men tell no tales
That why our ladies are dying to have them jungus ,Our Stereotyping African culture inatukazana haya mambo.
Err…kuna mtu hapa amejaribu hiyo? :saitan: I mean sio BJ etc namaanisha yaani hivi. Iko? Hio gari nafikiri iko na button autopilot mahali. Eish. heheheeee
damn uyo jamaa inambamba tu pole pole
where did you check ?
Niaje fellow billionaire, come for whiskey
dafaq hehe