Daimodi Atafute Interpreter

Putin always has an interpreter nearby. This guy is rich enough to afford one


Fangi inapatia snoop wisdom

fvck that. No one makes fun of mzungus and foreigners in general when they murder swahili and local languages. In facti, most bonobos are super impressed.

sioni makosa he is just listening yes uncomfortably coz zinampita but he is getting the drift. but snoop nae si yafaa akue amepata cancer vile amevuta bhangi daily for the last 50 years, ama madaktari hutudanganya

hapa naona snoop is actually talking slower, but to think that alikuwa relevant back in the days of tupac, with more or less the same look, the guy seems to be holding up well.

Jamaa hazeki. There’s power in being a skinny nigga

Its how we are programmed.

No , Snoop should get an interpreter not the other way round. Umewahi ona uko UN assembly waarabu wakiingia uko jamaa inakoroga tu lugha yake mkipewa interpretation Polepole kwa headphones, if I was macho nyanya naongea kisapere pia , if all african presidents do the same, they will have created some jobs for interpreters. But swahili should be adopted and used alongside other major languages

What Is wrong with bonobos? do you say the same about the Chinese, Russians who struggle with the language