So a woman decided to carry her 28 days old baby through huge crowds and the harsh Nairobi weather ndio akue blessed and kissed na pope. At that age the baby’s immunity is not yet fully developed. This moron willingly exposed her baby to huge loads of possibly life threatening pathogens (TB and the likes) in her myopic and senseless expedition. Hapo ndio unapiga mtu 7 hot slaps na sweep. The moral of the story is, those villagers who have dander heads for wives, your goose is cooked.
Ni mimi sioni picha ama unaongea kuhusu nini?
Sijui mbona nacheka
One of them the hubby was in tow, can we conclude also about daft hubby?
Kila nyani na starehe yake (no pun bla bla bla whatever).
laughable but sadly true
The blessings will cover the kid from the risks you have mentioned, this is what faith is all about
Kwa imani zake
That not being daft
At what age do the catholics perform infant baptism?
Nothing new. Natural selection at play
Dunia ya leo, ukijifanya mjinga utafaidi sanaaa!
@jerrydubiz does the baby have to live in a bubble?
And untill at what age does he/she get immune to pathogens?
A new born baby has been kissed by every female family member and female friends too.
I don’t think you get the point…I am talking about a closely packed crowd of 1000s of random people, breathing, coughing, farting, screaming in a chilly and humid weather.
Surely pope must have a wife or a call girl. Or what does he do?
From Pumwani to kibera is it a vacuum?
Babies are born with a pretty good immune system that is boosted by the mother’s breastmilk. It is not a defenseless ready-to-die-at-any-minute creature. Stop judging others.
You know vaccines work by introducing weakened pathogens into a baby’s system? And you know having a pet in the home, carriers of a LOT of pathogens, strengthens baby’s immunity? What is it with people telling others how to live their lives though?
NIAJE kiyana mrefu.
lakini sio kumaanisha u expose your 4 week old baby to possible disease carrying ninjas in a hot humid environment…mtoto baadaye hatakuambia anaumwa na tumbo au kichwa…its very tricky with newborns its best to avoid such places…mimi mtoto yangu ya kwanza nilikuwa na pewa anyone amshike lakini most of his first 6 months tulikuwa hosi with all sorts of infections…wa pili nilikuwa na patia only very close relatives and friends…