I make this customized stuffs… Watches necklaces and wallets. Those are the samples.anyone who can give me a hint on how I can sell them well…???
I make this customized stuffs… Watches necklaces and wallets. Those are the samples.anyone who can give me a hint on how I can sell them well…???
How much to customize a watch?
You can sell at social event like cake festival, jazz fest e.t.c
The customized watches 1500… Its Leo Scumbags… Contact me at 0726135283
Momo anaeza toshea kwa hio watch kweli..to be specific two momos kwa watch moja? Think about it??
advertize in fb pages, e. g soko nyeusi, soko ya nairobi, kilimani mums market, sokwemtu
Here we mbirrionaires wear original rado or piaget watches
you are already marketing your goods.there are online sites that can advertise your products.the net is the way to go