…happened to park in Nyeri. On my way to the paying booth, heard the car alarm and walked back, only to find the kanju clamping my car and a rude woman, writing the note they put on the wiper…On telling them, i was on my way to pay, mtu wa kanjo said ati kazi imeisha, washafunga. On following up, with an officer i was referred to, he insisted that i should have proceeded to pay the parking despite the car being clamped, so that the receipt and the document written by the woman, should have a time difference of less than 10 minutes, ndio ikuwe unclamped without paying the 1050 fee. Had to part with 1050, since i didn’t pay for parking even after it was clamped, coz i started trying to reason out with them.
Nearby newspaper sellers, even tried telling the woman how the tyres were wet hata hazijakauka. juu hiyo gari haikuwa imeparkiwa more than 2 minutes, but the rude woman full of herself could hear none of that…
Are we meant to be this unreasonable, just because ya kacheo? ama these are some of the reasons Trump calls us S*****e countries?
Ukipata small people with little authorities are treating you harshly know you on your way to making it in life. They usually like entering dick measuring contests with people they feel are above them.
I feel your pain. People hear the word corruption mentioned they imagine traffic police and fine or NYS. It is right in front of your nose. Really sad.
Inakuanga mtego wanajificha alafu wanachill utoke ndio waclump gari… once umerudi wanadai ulipe fine ndio wakufungulie ,ukizusha wanadai uwapee 500 ndio maneno ikatike . Mtu na ujinga yake anapea chapaa anajitoa lakini in reality you have bn extorted.
Hao wa Nyeri are like that if they have not changed. I suspected the receipt they give after paying the fine is fake, the money does not go to county government but to their pockets.
Invest in a a whip and keep it on your car, also try and be unreasonably crazy once in a while. You can’t reason with some people at times.
Very bad advice but needed at times
Kushindana na watu wadogo inakuwanga upuss mingi. Nyeri ni rahisi kulipa na card na wanakkuwa kila mahali na inakuwanga 50 bob sijawahi clampiwa wakati nilikuwanga hiyo mtaa. ukiangukia time mbaya yenye wanazunguka wanaeza clamp haraka sana.