Culture of dishonesty among Kenyans

During this festive period, some of you will have cops visit your homes because a neighbour will complain there is loud music coming from your house.

But is the main reason of your neighbour calling cops to your house due to the loud music or it is an attempt to stop the party because they were not invited?

In the example below, I believe its a case of a neighbour calling cops because they were not invited to the party.


Saturday 05 December 2015 Nation newspaper

President Uhuru Kenyatta is on the
spot from his critics for what they
say are too many foreign trips.

They also say he goes with very large
delegations on international visits at
a time his government is facing a
cash crunch.

The President has been to Malta,
France and South Africa this week
alone and has travelled abroad more
times in two-and-a-half years than
his predecessor Mwai Kibaki did in
his entire 10-year reign.

President Kenyatta has so far been
on 43 taxpayer-funded trips. Mr
Kibaki did 33 in 10 years.

Mukurweini MP Kabando wa
Kabando says the government would
soon make public the deals signed by
the President during these trips.

“I am informed that the Foreign
Affairs Ministry will broadcast
accords entered during the trips,” Mr
Kabando said.

Senate Public Accounts and
Investments Committee Chairman
Boni Khalwale says the trips paint an
image of a “tourist” president.

Dr Khalwale asked in September for
a ministerial statement on
presidential trips.

Mr Gumbo claimed the President was
using the trips “to run away from
problems facing the country.”


bwahaha i smell traces of something jay would post

… start off one way only to end up in a different destination!

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Saturday Nation May 07 2011

The cost of Prime Minister Raila
Odinga and Vice-President Kalonzo
Musyoka’s frequent trips abroad is in
the spotlight as a restless population
grapples with the rising cost of

A review of Mr Odinga and Mr
Musyoka’s diaries reveals that each
has been making as many as three
foreign trips a month, translating
into millions of shillings in travel
and accommodation expenses.

Only last month, the PM spent close
to three weeks on official visits to the
US and France while Mr Musyoka has
just returned from a week-long tour
of India.

Barely two days after returning to
the country from the tour of US and
France, the PM was again off to
Zimbabwe last Friday to open the
third Movement for Democratic
Change congress in Bulawayo.

On Wednesday, Mr Odinga was once
again off to Cape Town, South Africa,
to attend the World Economic Forum
on climate change.

The PM and VP’s handlers have
argued that the trips are strictly
official and aimed at promoting
Kenya on the economic front. But
concerns are being raised about their
cost to ordinary Kenyans already
groaning under the weight of rising
food and fuel prices.

“On average, the VP’s delegation
comprises between five and seven
government officials, carefully
selected on the basis of the trip’s
intended mission,” he noted.

But those who have seen the VP’s
delegations say the number could be
three times what Mr Barsito is giving.


when Kenya cures off its gold fish memory malady, maybe we will start questioning these guys


Okiya, you and I know how the media in Kenya works. Yesterday it was about Waiguru. Suddenly, we are being told Eurobond money - which EVERYBODY KNOWS WAS LARGELY MEANT FOR BUDGET SUPPORT - was ‘stolen’ - the authority being Babuon. Then Uhuru’s foreign trips become an issue.

My only problem with this gava is that it has not done what it needs to do - STARVE THE DN AND THE STANDARD of advertising revenue. No need to pay somebody who has made it their job to insult you everyday…




Uhunye can have as many trips as he feels, but truth be told he is eroding all the gains made by kibaki.
by the way okiya, there some rumours that the 200k for car imports will be on top of the normal duties paid i.e. import, vat, excise.

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That 200k is excise. VAT on vehicles will go up coz of the sequential nature of those taxes.

normally for a vehicle it’s
import duty 25%, vat 16%, excise 20%, idf 2.25%, krdl 1.5%. But now it could be all that plus the 200k or 150k for less than 3yr old imports. I’m not sure though just some gumzo mtaani

I’ve been following this discussion here:

Hatuwes click! hata kama ni … nini-hii!


uwekewee in lay man terms ama?

since when did vehicle purchase become a source of sin tax, ni kama wakenya wana adhibiwa ju ya kunua gari

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