Cuda soup happen happene nowfor nguvu cz bottom up

:D:D Kwani makena unatype kama unakuliwa doggie?

wameamua wapatane na @Brayo44ki wamalize sexual tension :D:D

It’s been a long time cumming

Supu ya Pweza.
A famous Zanzibar Aprodisiac Soup … :D:D

I bought a 3 footer, seriously seeking recipes for the head soup. The first is kind of blah.

Lete recipe uache penis obsessions. Wazungu hawapendi styles za animals like chimpanzees.

Hasn’t it? You no good demon?

:DKuma ya mamako inezatoka sumuni ama imeoza inanuka omena hata mbwa ilimpea Ball yako haezi taka?

I have actually tried this one …

Forget the Wine , clam juice and Parsley …
Substitute with Corriander ( Dhania ) , Coconut powder , paprika , lemon juice and a bit of soy sauce …
Thank me later … :D:D