Cucu wa Kanairo
Mashosho wamekosa adabu kabisa
Siwezimind kumumunya hiyo relic
ATI 60??? U
She was in her late 40s siku za adopt-a-light and that’s like 20 odd years ago.
Shes 60. Looks good for a 60 year old woman. Anapiga zido sawa sawa.
I have credible information that ODM crew and a few biggies wamekula hadi ile side ingine ya settings
Hadi mkia…huyu ni mali ya wakubwa…
Dry fry kwa mkia hadi settings
Inaweza kua ukweli juu nimeona hio picha nikaskia harufu si poa
Nilisikia kwa busaa eti she managed to jumpstart engine ya ule senior welder from Germany.
I can fuck the dog shit out of her
Don’t ask me how, but nilikula her very close friend, nilimwambia alete Passaris nimsalimie aliruka hiyo story kabisa. But huwa anafika kwake wanachill, hizi ni zile dare nitafuata .
She is the patent owner of bottom up economic philosophy. Oldies in city hall remember with nostalgia how they all approved adopt a light gig courtesy of her well lubricated tools of trade.
Is her friend in the mid-60s too?
vijana mnakula hadi cucu… The oldest woman i have ever banged was 41 years old
Kama mnakula Jane ule cucu wa Luthuli sembuse huyu?
Hapana 50’s , alikuwa akiniambia vile wamama ni wabaya going for younger guys, then invites me to her place under funny guise.
Alikuwa anaongea entitled sana, not until niliona how close they are friends with Passaris na political connection yake, ndio nikaamua to eat it just a sign of domination.
Nilimwambia aambie Esther nataka slices akaniambia appetite yangu is too much, na she’s not the type . But niatcheza mchezo akija kwake I’ll act as the naive innocent guy.
There’s some mp nilikula hapo capital centre time ya covid, alikuwa na zile BMW SUV’s full tinted Windows.
Mimi huwaona kwa public, speaking like Charlatans and posting Bible verses and sayings kwa status nacheka kimoyo, saa hizo wanatembea na kina Rais and elites.
How old is you guka?
Hiyo hapana, I’ve eaten a shameful age range but nothing close to giving me PNC nightmares and flashes.
Kitu niligundua society is very judgemental and biased on looks, age gap ikiwa and she’s a hot cougar unapewa pass, but bahati mbaya iwe sura nyumbani inakuwa ridicule.
There’s a difference between having Angelina Jolie as a Milf na your SJ Milf .
Ningeweka wangu wa US hapa shida she’s such a public figure I’d dox her, huyo nilimwona nikasema lazima nimwage hapo ndani like an off shore cargo tank pump for 9 months i did.