This is a perfect case study on existence of balls amongst Kenyans.
They are getting everything KPMDU was asking for and more.
Our doctors were told they were asking for too much.
Sasa itakuwaje ?
If there’s any balls within the medical ranks hii project itakuwa scuttled quick.
Options include suing the state or going on another strike but that won’t get far.
If they choose goonery - assault, destruction of property and hostile workplaces - the results will be swift. Na serikali haitajaribu huu upumbavu tena.
it is very unfair to compare US with Kenya. US does not have shortage of doctors. The few specialist in Kenya only want to work in Nairobi and few other urban centres. Even then, they only make technical appearances in the hospitals and then go back to their private clinics. In reality, they earn government salary for doing less than 5% of the work they are employed to do.
Those bloody doctors must be taught a lesson, I remember them thumping their chests about how the government had no option but to meet their demands, arrogant pricks. Now, if only we could import Cuban MPs, women reps, senators, governors and president…
unlikely, they all want to escape from that shithole called Cuba. Some docs were sent to Brazil and tried to revolt there, going as far as petitioning the Brazilian Courts to intervene on their behalf. They say they are slaves of their govt. Cuban govt takes a good chunk of their pay and they are left with peanuts.