Ctrl c, cntrl v-Corruption

From Mukuru kwa Zugabaka.

I ran a small bar and restaurant in Nairobi. A place I have run for close to 3years. Like any other business you have your challenges, we have experienced low sales during the election period and we have barely recovered months later. Where do I even start with the level of corruption!! Liquor licences guys pitched up and instead of just renewing my licence they had to come up with all sorts of excuses not to renew and I had to part with 25k “mbuzi ya committee” apparently this money goes to the ocs, DO, Chief and the chairman of the liquor licence board, then comes a new inspecta at a neighbouring AP camp threatened to shut me down despite having all the licenses ati he has not been welcomed to the hood and took 5k, a week later kamp-prisk guys come and their idea of charging for the license is to measure your premises and give an exorbitant figure just so you can bribe them. With music copyright my renewal was 9k a year. This other fokojembes want an equivalent to the liquor licences which is 30k. So I refused and engaged a lawyer and now some guy keeps showing up at my business and asking for a bribe to bring down the price to what i paid music copyright. Cops pick in the least 400 everyday!! Don’t get me started with what we pay City Council. All licences were put under one licence last year and the round figure went up. I am at my wits end trying to keep a business running. My 6 employees and i depend on this business. Am seeking wisdom on the way forward as things stand I cannot afford this bullying every month/year. It’s not like there are jobs out there and that’s why I started a business in the first place.

Weka CCTV uwaanike soliciting or taking bribes.

Hii biz ya bar is very lucrative especially if it’s a hit lakini the extortion that goes with it,makes it almost unbearable!
Kwanza I hear ukikataa kupatia karau pesa yao they either come arrest patrons ama they send thugs to terrorize patrons so it’s a lose lose situation!
Doing business in Kenya sometimes can be extremely frustrating and to think we actually need investments to tackle unemployment you just wonder why the government can’t make the environment more conducive!