Ruaka nilifika lastly 2016

Honestly. Wanarudisha Democracy yetu nyuma. And all in the name of blackmailing us juu ya ego ya mtu mmoja. They’re doing a disservice to those who voted them in.

I have always said you can buy any seat that you want in Kenya except the presidency.

Rashid never moved past class four @Fala 12 @Abba , kujeni kidogo,hapa kuna mchezo:D:D:D

Rashid never moved past class four @Fala 12 @Abba , kujeni kidogo,hapa kuna mchezo:D:D:D

You expected him to make ‘solomonic’ decisions like the other fool

I was passing by those channels nikachoka tu. P1 teachers would fare better.

MP’s wana njaa sana.

Huyo mkora wa Mumias atasumbua sana.

Wajinga huboycott uchaguzi halafu wananung’unika na kujiapisha. Mafala hujiuzulu bungeni lakini wanakasirika kazi ikiendelea.:D:D:D


We have now become accustomed to the JaKuonist formula: pour scorn at institutions and legally defined procedures, only to complain and pretend to run parallel processes.

the amount of whining in this country is just too much…funny even by those you’d be thinking would be providing leadership in their own small ways.

Afadhali hii wanafanywa vetting… of sorts. Kwa nomination za odm kupewa kiti, ama wacha tu.

Huyo hakusoma kapsaa

I haven’t watched the vetting process but from what admin is saying…is it true that it is just Meer rubber stamping class 7 drop outs as CS ? Bila hata opposition participation tunafaa kuwa na watu werevu hapo

Also lets conveniently forget how in 2008 baba installed his sisters, his cousins, his inlaws etcetera in very plum govt. jobs.

Be that as it may the opposition was there when akina waiguru were being vetted in 2013 and they didn’t separate the wheat from the chaff so hio mambo ya opposition kukosekana ni nonsense. Another example: I watched as Gumbo pretended to question the hair stylist in the Waiguru inquiry in parliament a few months ago and it was clear it was just campaign antics and not a serious inquiry.

the people who knew this guy’s fake did not raise their voice (maybe they were waiting for their heroes to do it but they were too busy!). why they are complaining when the horse has bolted i don’t know…

The opposition has systematically shirked responsibility since 2013, and only appears when the debate is about increasing their salaries and privileges.

Rashid Achesa: I will ensure that I put 47 football academies in each county in Kenya #CSVetting https://t.co/0LDfodu9Ab

That is done by the clubs. The guy has no idea of His mandate.

People who know this guy will tell you that he’s not only illiterate but a goon, rumour has it he once conned very senior jubilee members way back by washing them money .