One thing else I thought is CE bridges betweeen CS n EE , And read somewhere hawa employers wanatafuta watu awe amesomea CS only or EE
I think you got me wrong. I was not talking about CS. I was discouraging you from going to Engineering (Elec,Civil,Mech) if it is marketability you want. On CS or CE being hard, I don’t know. But najua that walikuwa wanalala ) Prefab 4 na huko ni raha tu.
Well Thanks altho niko na colleague anataka do , Electronic and Electrical engineering , I’ll make sure I pass your msg
Again, I think you got me wrong. Guys run away from Engineering to health sciences because reality has hit them and they want jobs in the future. Si kwa maana Engineering ni ngumu na ati Health Sciences ni rahisi. If umeshindwa na Engineering yoyote, Med school will kill you for sure. Hata kuku-accept hawatautikia.
Uh sure nimekuelewa saa ii , Jobs
Ok Thanks sorry tho
Wewe ni fan wa MKBHD?
Si sana , Lkni namcheki huwa , I watch MrWhoseTheBoss , Jerry RIG and unboxing therapy and huyo MKBHD among others
You dont know what you are talking about. Almost all engineers sleep and wait for the last minutes. it is in our DNA. That doesnt mean engineering is easy.
And by the way Calculus and Discrete mathematics are nothing in engineering and are just basic introduction units. You should peruse Microwave Engineering or Network Synthesis to understand the engineering maths involved.
My background is Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a specialization in telecom. It is because of my course that i have done jobs in telecom, software and electrical industry. Choose Computer Engineering or EEE with specialization in Telecom it will prepare you with skills in CS, Computer Engineering or Electrical.
Thanks for your opinion , I’ll take it into account
It isn’t hard either. The fact that engineering students get time to sleep and even have free days and afternoons is telling!If anybody was to try that last minute rush stunt that happens in Engineering school in Med school, they would totally flop in their exams. And guess what the university would direct them to do after a failure?One is Engineering!
And yes, if one qualified for med, they qualified for all Engineering courses. The reverse is rarely true.
Endea landscape architecture pale jkuat
No hesabu gani mnafanya Pharmacy that haifanywi na watu wa engineering? Also uko year?
Why are they choosing to do health sciences? Is it because no teaching is taking place or perhaps they were admitted to a course which is too difficult, above their abilities. - stolen results lot.
And did you read the other comments?!
Mtu anatoroka engineering first year yenye ni Maths anakimbia kufanya Maths plus Chem(pharmaceutical, physical and organic separately) plus Anatomy plus Physiology plus Biochem kwa maana that is easier?! Acha mchezo bana.
Engineering has clusters of 43 and 42 in UoN so the other universities ni like 41. Med ni 45 period. It requires higher qualifications. Sijui wakenya walitoa wapi hii notion that Engineering requires higher qualifications than Med.
ps. Let me write a joke. Unaona government sponsored, ukiwa na cluster ya 44 hauwezi ingia Medicine. Unless ukufe ukue cadaver upelekwe lab ya dissection. Kama uko na 44 kwa cluster ya Med, you definitely have more than that in the engineering cluster! You can do any course you want.
Perhaps it is best to avoid been confined by what is marketable in our country. We may not be at the stage where Computer Engineering is very marketable, but Indian graduates are making a good income through outsource work online.
Hadi Partovi, co-founder of, says there is evidence of the need and desire for computer science and engineering professionals: in 2014, there were 27 times more open positions than there were college graduates.
Computer Engineering gives two paths. Think how many people you will employ, not who will employ me. Become an employer change the direction. We are a producer of titanium.
Computer Engineering with soft skills i.e Project Management
I have read, but there is nothing which informs why they are choosing to abandon computer engineering. There must be a good reason, or have they persuaded each other, there are no Jobs after graduating.
I second.
Did IT in college cz it was the ‘in thing’ then n my Mum suggested it.
Was employed but I didn’t get my ish there. I hated programming in school, only satisfied my project requirements. Nowadays siezi kuandikia hata hashtag ya C or C++
Then I did Hardware n Software, i liked Microsoft, Linux hapana.
Found my ish in went on to work for Telecomms in technical sales & marketing.
The background is great though, I consult n choms on stuff IT. Though it ain’t my daily milk n bread.
But all my other hustles gain a lot from that schooling.
In short, follow your heart