Crypto giving cheekbusta a good hiding.

I know how to short but I choose not to because short sellers have never made money in the long run in any market. There is a reason why long only hedge funds exist but short only hedge funds don’t exist.


Tell me more.

19.7 percent down

Jikaze tu.

nangoja keshu ni tupe pesa kwa xrp

Stop trying to save face BnB is down 20%

Mnatumia platform gani ku trade?

mimi niko hapa binance

You need to make 25% just to break even.

If you lose 50%, you need to make 100% just to break even.

Preventing losses is more important than making gains.

The Golden rule in crypto is that nobody knows a damn thing, no matter how confidently they say it. This is a roller coaster, just lay back, kick it and enjoy the ride


Nope. The efficient market hypothesis has been proved wrong time and again. Case in point Jim Simons Medallion Fund. If nobody knew a damn thing, then nobody would beat the market. Yet the Medallion Fund at Renaissance has beaten the market for over 30 years since 1988. If you have an edge, you definitely know something. “Nobody knows a damn thing” is a phrase that applies to 99% of all participants because they aren’t skilled traders.

Any skilled trader will tell you that you can’t predict the outcome of one trade. But you can predict the outcome of a hundred trades. It is the law of large numbers in action. I can’t predict the behavior of one person from Kibera if I invite him/her at my residence. But if I invite 100 people from Kibera, there is a guarantee that something will be stolen.

Yes, you have one in a million geniuses like Jim Simons who actually have correct models, and you see what he does? He keeps his models an absolute secret while making billions off of them.

The question that remains is:

  1. Is that guy you follow on YouTube / Twitter / reddit the crypto version of Jim Simons? Definitely not. Otherwise he’d be making money in secret

  2. Are YOU, a KTalk bonobo, the crypto Jim Simons? Don’t make me laugh

Kununua BUSD na USDT ndo inakupatia confidence ya kusema you are investing in crypto. Kama hutaki risk baki kwa stocks and bonds.

I swapped the altcoin for BnB when it was around 530 and now iko 560. Stick to homosexuality and theft… this stuff is too complex for you slum dweller!

Mimi naskia kuhara saa hii. Kwanza nikikumbuka I could have gained a lot juzi juzi when most coins shot naskia kulia. I hope I will recover.

You need to understand that only fools trade 24/7. Sometimes it is smarter to stay in cash.

  1. I don’t take trading advice from youtube affiliate marketers like you do. That’s the difference between me, a pro trader, and you, the common man.

  2. I trade with a strategy that I developed and that has a statistical edge. I backtested and forward tested it intensively before using it. I’m not Jim Simons. I’m Azor Ahai. So far so good with my system. Bonobos like you try to be someone else. I just aim to be a better version of myself.

Bnb haikuwa 530 this week danganya mwenye hukufira

Si ulituambia ATI itafika 15k per coin mara sijui ulinunua at 47k. @Sambamba ebu leta archives za Ile thread