Crisis ahead. Was it caused by our good friend Mwai Kibaki?

In summary.

University managers have warned that public universities will shut by end of next year due to rising debt. Universities have Sh 4B in salary arrears and owe other institutions Sh 7B.

Money generated internally by the universities has dropped sharply following the decline in the number of parallel students. This was due to the Matiangi education reforms. As it stands private and public universities have more spaces than students.

Check the chart below,. Some universities like Garissa, South Eastern Kenya University (first time I’m hearing of it), Kisii University, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kabianga, University of Eldoret, Ringo etc have almost 60% of their programs with less than 10 students.


Kenyan bachelors Degrees are shit though

dem days being in campus was quite an achievement…sasa obako alifungua universities kama supermarket chains akadillute vitu.kuna tu-universties twingine unaskiaga an incidence imetokea,ukiangalia the students unashindwa tunaelekea wapi,kuna wakati Meru ‘university’ juzi leader wao alimadwa,ukiskia wale watu wanahojia ati students,ata mtu hawezi construct statement vizuri…sorry state

Kisii uni iko na 74 courses, are these fuckers serious?

This thread and the underlying report is out to tarnish Garissa University’s name …the only one originating from NEP

We won’t allow this

Garissa university remains an oasis of knowledge and excellence. It continues to have healthy population of students in all its Programmes

Go back to your dem days designed to marginalize pastoralist communities

hii kitu NGO wamekulia sana and also used by cunning leaders to source cash fo “their marginalised people”.naona ata wewe umeamini the notion.ok quick maths,out of the over 25 universities recently added,niambie marginalised ni ngapi?

Lecturer anajifunza hapa

Make them technical institutions that’s what we need more. After matiangi streamlining the education system, it has clearly shown that many students did not belong there but at the technical institutes. The bachelor’s degree certificate had become just any other paper.

This is elitist and not progressive at all. people should realize universities are for dedicated scholars, inventors, discoverers, and people who have a passion for something. there are not for securing jobs or for making anyone rich. Your “dem days graduates” are the ones looting everything. Mlidinyana tu huko university hakuna kitu ya maana mlifanya wacha kurusha mawe helb ikichelewa. masomo ikuwe liberated.

true coz literally,the 4 or 5 major universities can comfortably accommodate all those who attain the university pass far akina Catholic universities are facing a financial crisis.juu kila mtu aliitwa na KUCPPS

some courses are quit funny and useless with extreemely narrow scope to say the least take for example

  1. Gender studies
  2. Tea technology
  3. Sociology
  4. Criminal justice/injustice
  5. Financial engineering
  6. Recently uon has split to bsc accounting, insurance etc

but here they were politically chartered the foundation wasnt enough to achieve what you are saying


Bingwa unasumbua.

All millenials want to do law…or criminal justice. Thats why all these other courses have nobody.

whats wrong with this one!

@gashwin has Masters in Tea Technology from Karatina Uni

Kuna zile notice boards pale fire station mostly utapata fake jobs offers guess what I also saw there?.. Kisii university ads:D:D

Inaitwa Camellia Sinensis, lazima uiite kama mtu amesoma. It is our largest export cash crop, @karasfaya hakuna kitu unajua.