In its latest rating decision, Moody’s has changed Kenya’s outlook from negative to positive. It has retained the Caa1 rating which is indicative of high credit risks. The change in outlook is based on the sharp decline in the government’s borrowing interest rates. This will lower the debt servicing costs in the short term assuming there is no rapid accumulation of debt.
It is funny that this decision has attracted a lot of excitement from government officials and bloggers. This would have made sense if our credit rating had been upgraded. The upgraded outlook is a small issue with little impact. Interpreting such news to mean that the economy has improved is a big stretch.
As a quick reminder, a few years back, were at B+, heading into A territory thanks to wise planning by kibaki. Saa hii sis ni C- students. Fucking failure piece of shit. Huwa naskia kujiuma vidole nikikumbuka mwenye nilieke tick kwa ballot box