Crazy Storos

Hakuna siasa kwa hii thread.

What are the craziest storos you’ve ever heard and did you believe them?

Jungus are crazy. So last week I was talking to a friend who happens to be a jungu. So true, they own a boat. Almost 40 feet long. The husband did a crazy adventure and sailed across the Atlantic to Africa. He did it in 40 days. So she told me that he slept during the day and navigated mostly at night reason being during the day if he went off course the other ships would find him. Not so at night and he didn’t want to loose course plus to mitigate the risk of running into the rough seas or unchatered waters. I’m still in awe.

Then there was this slay queen that I used to mess with told me that when she lived in Mtwapa saw a jini.

We used to have a mboch back in the day from Coasto, fine as hell. Wherever you are, Eva, hope you’re doing fine. :D:D:D

Kunywa maziwa na uwache kuvuta bhangi yenye ina mbegu. ION kuna time nilidinya mdigo sura kiatu (you know how dry spell is a bitch :D:D:D) na zile mambo alinifanyia…sikuwa na hamu ya dame mwingine for many days after that.

Let’s go to church please…

wait… uko kwa high seas kuna parking alikua akipark boat during the day.

Chang’aa ya Bronx tunakunywa link?
Nimetumwa na @LIEN na @vuja de .

Murefi enda kanisa upewe church wine ya padre @Liberty

Nangojea crazy monday kesho

@Saintonthebeathoe ndio alikuwa na crazy stories kama ile alikutwa na bibi ya wenyewe na akachapaa huyo jamaa

He slept during the day and only navigated at night, tell us where he was parking the fcking boat and what powered it up?? Or he was rowing??

Do you know the water depth high seas ama alikua na nyororo nusu kilomita ya :anchor:
