Craigslist has got to be the devil's lair

i’ve never taken cg “criasly” but i decided to see what goes on there.
i thought wengi wenyu mko na ugonjwa kama yule jamaa dereva wa muhindi

  1. huyu mbaite has advertised herself as wife material then goes on to prove she’s just a whore. she looks hot though. can’t deny.

  2. another one here who has no idea what she wants. goes on to prove she’s a whore looking to settle down with anyone who can … well jionee

  3. Pia Female Pespiration alikuwa hapa akijiuza

  4. uwesmek aliweka ad ya July 17th akijaribu kuget watu wa nairobi na yule jamaa wa black face alikuwa Thika

  5. hii ya personal assistant ilinishock. is this a thing now?? as in people do this??

  6. surely…

  7. brother mishty pia ako sides za parki anatafuta slices

  8. some took advantage of the games at the time and to get laid but couldn’t ask directly so anatumia maneno mingi kama george in a de area

well, cg is a site for literally anything and everything. can it really get any worse?

Hiyo ya personal assistant isn’t really shocking coz 2 months back I was interviewing some ladies to be my assistant and one lady just bluntly said that she can be more than just an office assistant she can help in emptying my balls as well

Okei:D I thought craiglist ilikuwa majuu pekee kumbe pia huku iko mbaiya pia. Shocking

PS: That fake Amerucan has a nice ass:rolleyes:

:smiley: na hapo ndio all thinking went straight to the lower head

HWAT??? me siwessamini i find it so strange that hiyo pia ni kazi mtu anaomba.
dame hawezi get attached? ama upate mtu ako na emotions kama za dame aget attached pia???

And the polished ‘lady’ got the job. @njoti usijaribu kukana. We will not believe you.


Namaliza interview hapo and kutumia wengine regret letter wishing them all the best in their future endeavours.

Kijana how old are you that such zinakushtua?

The white devils have corrupted our society with their bad morals which we blindly follow… sadness of life

I’m sorry to confess this but mimi huenda OLX kwa section ya watu wanatafuta job.
Kuna warembo hapo looking for 10k to do komputa and sekeretario I wouldn’t mind…

Den of sexual diseases. Looking for sexual escapades on craiglist is akin to rummaging through garbage looking for food.

Apana haribia soko ya Maryjane jina.

Ukiita wale wengine vijana sisi tutawaita nini?

Did she pass the interview?

Written interview alianguka…lakini ameitwa oral interview

No way she could have failed the interview huyo msichana anajuwa kunyonya mboro something most Mombasa women don’t know how to do so it usually comes as a shock to me every time

Nataka huyo mvaite asap!

Ile siku utajaribu kumvuta Jobo ndo utajua ujui.

clearly. based on what i saw, that place is a shit hole.