CoVid 19 ni homa

The famous saying goes…If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. Okay guys get this…

If it has flu-like symptoms, then it is a flu.
If you have difficulty in breathing, then you have pneumonia.

So what is this CoVId 19??? Its just a tool used to create fear. WHO in conjunction with Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are determined to reduce the population of the world. (Bill Gates has been quoted saying this severally therefore no need to substantiate).
Evil Gates will come up with with a Corona Vaccine to ‘cure’ people he thinks are overpopulated. Hapa kwa vaccine ndio kuna ngoma sasa. Whatever will happen after the vaccine, I don’t know

Hapa umeongea kama @HAKI YANGU.
Hio vaccine ya africa itawekwa corktail ya non living organism…
Hakuna kuzazaa

Kwani muguka bado inapitishwa pale Thika road block?


muguka ni agricultural product. kwanza sai ni maini tupu ju ya mvua. zinanasa villager akiwa kwa base ya jaba

The truth about effects of vaccines is found in section 13 of vaccines.

Substantiate this part

Coronavirus is a scam? Are they are counting normal deaths as Covid-19?

Even Dr Fauci secretly agrees