COVID-19 Home remedies

At this stage I guess we all have to share whatever that might help.

If you have mild symptoms of coronavirus, you should stay at home.

To help yourself stay well:
-drink plenty of water to stay hydrated – drink enough so your pee is pale and clear
-take paracetamol to help ease your symptoms
-stay in touch with family and friends over the phone or on social media, to help you avoid feeling low or lonely
-try to keep yourself busy – you could try activities like cooking, reading, online learning and watching films
-do light exercise, if you feel well enough to

Na hii jina yako ni ya hospitali!


sawa kaka

Acha uchokozi:D:D:D:D:D:D


sasa hii habari ya kujifukiza inatoka wapi?

Yesterday i saw ministry of health tweeting about ginger, mwarubaini na garlic. So when did they become herbalists?
Corona ni homa tu.