People have been watching lots of movies. They take two facts 5g network launched in wuhan and later corona virus emerge in wuhan. Then they take the bible prophecies of the mark of the beast and try to knit this things together to make a story. The only reasonable explanation we can use to link corona virus to 5G netwrok is mutation, that is if at all 5G network has higher radiation. For those who know how mutation breeding works, biological organism are subjected to radiation, not so high and not too low to create new variability in various traits. This due to duplication, deletion or errors etc in replication of genes. Most of this changes are useless but there is a chance a certain change in gene may make a virus to be virulent and therefore dangerous. This may be a wake up call that all that radiation in the air may be creating new pathogens we have never encountered before.
Two or three individuals will not force people to have the mark of the beast. Most likely will be a very popular tech that will be embrace by the majority. By then people will be viewing religion as stupidity. You can see how greedy clergy men have deconsecrated the church leading many astray. The antichrist will bring cool ideas, solving problems and challenges with new tech and new way of doing things. Many will be cheering and ululating him, adopting everything he proposes. That is likely to happen in another hundred of years or so not now
Nowhere on the ID2020 website do they even mention the word “chip”. Tell Mr. Austin that he’s an idiot conspiracy theorist
I was reading this and with every new sentence it transformed from sane to ‘WTF, this dude is sick too’.
Many fellows have a very healthy imagination, while others are extremely gullible to be existing in this time and age. Next you will hear that Covid 19 appeared in US 66 days after Wuhan at 6am, ergo 666 = the beast. Complete utter bullcrap :meffi::meffi::meffi:.
Utter bullshit!
Utter bullshit.
I need a 3 word summary.
Radiation damage reversed by a chip, now that is something I would like to see.
Basically they have cured cancer and all DNA related diseases by reversing DNA damage but they only want to enslave people with it. Pure bull shit
This 5G ,how the heck does it work and in the process ,please explain to me how it affects the cells in regards to C19 and why we are cooped up like inmates here yet we dont have 5G .happy Easter
All wireless communications transmit information via at least 2 combined frequencies. You have a carrier frequency that is used to transmit that is combined with a signal frequency that has the infomation.
You tune in to the carrier frequency then any deviations from the carrier frequency are what are interpreted by your receiver as the information. These deviations are caused by your signal frequency.
Common carrier frequencies: FM Radio 88 - 108 MHz, TV (UHF) is at around 700 - 800 MHz. Mobile phones around 1.9 GHz WiFi is at around 2.4 GHz and so on.
If you notice the trend, the higher the carrier frequency, the more info it can carry.
Now, it so happens that natural phenomena also have operating frequencies. Case in point, water molecules vibrate at around 2.4GHz. If subjected to this frequency, the molecules vibrate and generate energy (or get heated). Which is the principle that microwave ovens use.
So why do microwave ovens heat food and yet wifi does not and they operate with the same frequency? This is where power factor comes in. Microwave ovens operate at around 1000watts while the WiFi thing is much lower (Maybe 2 - 40 watts).
Moving on.
5G has a frequency of 50 - 90 GHz. That ofcourse means more data transfer capacity.
Unfortunately, higher frequencies are known to have adverse effects on organic things like DNA. Because of this scientists have divided the frequencies into two categories. Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation ndio mbaya. Hii ingine haidhuru directly but it has effects. Microwave is non-ionizing so unless uwekwe kwa microwave oven kubwa ikuivishe, you cant be harmed by microwaves. Specifically, your DNA cant be damaged by microwave radiation.
Likewise, simu huchemsha maskio after some time but it is in the microwave range of frequencies so theoretically, haifai kudhuru DNA but it has an effect on the water in the blood in your ear.
Sijaona pale 5G frequency iko, but I’m guessing it is way below ionizing frequency
There is basically no major difference physically between 5G and 4G,3G,2G,1G… the 5G being rolled out is mostly 700mhz to 3500mhz, same freq the rest use, its the information coding that has changed the most. Very few places will do millimeter waves 20 to 60ghz because its expensive and doesn’t penetrate walls or even bodies.
Ionizing radiation are waves with higher frequency than visible light. Visible light is 300 000 ghz. So 5g is a long way off from ionizing. If someone is worried about 5G, he should be very very worried about the sun (they should never leave their homes during the day)
How a grown up that can read, believes these conspiracy crap is just sad…
@RV Pundit thanks for the article! Very informative.
On top of that, since 5G is designed for faster data rates but at a higher frequency than the others. This requirement means it transmits to shorter distances, that’s why you will find 5G has multiple transmission points within an area.
Yes, which means an antenna every few metres, which is expensive so not many companies will roll out on FR2 - 24-60Ghz. But 5G has 2 frequency bands. Fr1 and Fr2, Fr1 is what 4G uses now, FR2 are the higher frequencies.
A good analogy is hearing a car playing music pass by, you will only hear bass mostly because it has less frequency.
MIMO is a better feature of 5G that will be utilized more, the same basestations having multiple antenna to talk to the phone at same time. So multiple more paths to the phone, more bandwidth
Its Bill guys
He first opened Windows
Now closing Gates
Bill to the Gates
He then asked his chai members to blame
the other member who didnt agree on their balls scratching game outcome!
Safcom washapewa go ahead ya kuinstall 5g,so wacha waweke halafu waactivate mjionee,mtaenda muangushe hizo towers bila kuambiwa.Si watu Hong Kong walifanya hivyo halafu when they were getting close to do revolution wakanyamazishwa na social distancing.