cousins love

Is it wrong to fall in love with your cousin? Male or female

hizi mayai oza hizi!

so NV think this village is a gutter to stupid questions?

It had to be a guy named ronnie!

hii baridi joh

Another one. Post shit using one handle and likes using the other handle. @admin what has the village become?

When Ronald Reagan landed on the moon, he left a footprint there.
Was it the LEFT or the RIGHT footprint?

Is it right for you to ask us that question?

wanatafuta Kcr ya buree…

@ronniengoda = @Ngoda

multiple personalities disorder

It’s wrong but it feels right. Yaani you just fuck without fear of getting a disease. You trust that the other can’t do anything to hurt you. That’s according to an ex of mine who used to fuck her cousin. I dumped her and they begged me not to tell the family since we were close. I have never said a word to anyone until now.

Ajibiwe. Kuuliza sio ujinga.

In this case no ujinga

Most of you here mnamkemea hivyo mlibreak uvirjo na mboch ama cousin.

The Queen married her cousin.It’s also encouraged in Islam. But as ratchet as I can get,any family is a NO .

inakaa hujui ujinga basi

Which Queen?


That’s where you get those ‘hills have eyes’ children