Court declares Huduma Namba roll-out illegal

What has Gatheca not done? He has seriously shafted y’all minus lube.

The handshake brothers are having it very rough, it’s like they are jinxed.

the huduma bill, was it ever passed?


:D:D:D:D:D… isopropyl alcohol 101

Huduma number is a good idea, too many faceless crooks in Kenya.
Judiciary imepigana na Executive kweli

Wajinga waliendea Huduma Namba bure tu. Haha.

Walitishiwa that they won’t be recognized as Kenyan citizens… ati they’ll be deported. Wengine hapa were like ‘this thing is like US social security, sijui nini nini,’ lmao.

Sasa watakua deported to where exactly?? He he he Kenyan government iko na jokes

Uhuru is a lame duck. Moi hangepigwa na koti namna hii. Poor fellows think Uhuru atawasaidia kupata Kiti cha urais?

Kwanza nakumbuka Matiang’i akitishia watu ati hawatapata govt services nikacheka yangu yote. Ati hakuna siku ingine kutakuwa na huduma namba registration as if watoto hawatazaliwa tena waende wachukue huduma namba. Wacha niendelee kucheka tena.

This is how a country is supposed to function. Moi hakua mnoma, he really fucked up this place. Angepewa ten more years sahii kenya ingekua level ya Zoomalia na Burundi.


Yep… at one point registration is closed. Mara again a final phase of registration is set. He threatened alot. Honestly i’m so happy coz of this decision.

Makes sense now


So, someone saw this and they thought it sounds like me. Yes, I said that, and I stand by it. N you are right, I sound dumb AF, but good thing you are smart. :smiley:
N lest anyone forgets, below are some other reasons people didn’t like the number. It’s not just the US thing. The links are only for those who might need the info, or the reminding. I mean, it’s only your f*cking future.

Data Protection in the Age of Huduma Namba: Who Will Benefit? - The Elephant

Kenya’s Controversial Biometric Project Is Shrouded in Secrecy - Coda Story

N btw, this isn’t about handcheq or any president. The politicians are in office for a short while, the laws they pass however, will affect you and yours for posterity. And typically, the lawmakers are not subject to the laws they pass, so they can pass anything. If you get caught stealing a chicken, that’s jail time. But, if a politician steals billions, they get an “enquiry” followed by another office to loot.

So, if you are grounded and not like these cuckoo people saying weird things about some of these fishy laws, good for you. And you are welcome, whether or not you understand why.

Also, if people gave you a job to serve them, do your job. That’s literally the Only reason they lined up with their grandmas to vote. Roads are full of potholes and mud but somehow there is Always time for fishy numbers and bridges…

Moi’s was a very different playing field. He could behave like a king since the constitution then allowed him a lot of liberties. People like Rev Njoya and the late Prof.Wangari Maathai were some of those who felt the weight of GSU rungus as they tried to wake Kenyans up. Even Gado had to be wary of the cartoons he drew. Those were very bad times. The Kibaki gava did a lot to loosen some of those shackles. In fact it’s a good thing that you can even type these words. Don’t take it for granted. Not trying to be patronizing, but I’d suggest you use that space to do whatever good you can.
Remember the movie Sarafina? Sarafina asks her mama what she would do with her freedom, since it would come “tomorrow”?
In the same vein, it’s good to ask oneself, what will I do with my freedom?

Hehe hizo vitisho za penny mbili hazikunitingiza. Didn’t get that crap called huduma number. I knew issa scam

The 2010 constitution did not reduce the powers of the president, what it added was parliamentary confirmation of Presidential appointment

In theory, that is checks and balances, but in practice the Kenyan parliament is as it has always been: useless, nothing more than a rubber stamp for the executive.

Well, personally i was against it coz of the ‘MasterCard’ aspect… which actually was not depicted on the eventual card released’. Additionally, it aligned with my religious notions regarding an intention to have masses registered on a global identity etc etc.
According to you, one resisting a proposed government agenda depicts that they are smart when the supposed agenda fails and they rejoice, lmao.
BBI and Huduma Namba were parts of the handshake deals, both have proved to be fruitless agendas and i am so freaking happy.
At least on the likely outcome DP Ruto takes the seat, we won’t task him with killing Huduma and BBI shenanigans… coz its already been handled beforehand.