As one of the most prominent members here, I have enjoyed the ride. I have also contributed immensely, at no pay, to the growth of this forum. I thank those who started it and wish them well.
Starting next month, my basic forum will be Guka’s Take at . On be Ktalk, my handle will be downgraded to a ‘visitor’ only.
It’s time that I too nukishad kitunguu, like the Admin’s here, through my superior (ahem!) analytical and writing skills.
I can promise you that Guka’s Take will in a year emerge as the most popular and influential blog in Kenya, a forum that will occasionally be graced by Uhuruto themselves.
Guka wajipeleka exile inner Mongolia, isokay. I will surely miss your superior, analytical writing skills + your favorite matusi comernina. All the best from MMNN
Continue maintaining this handle.When you post there you alert us here so that we can go to your site to read the entire article. If you don’t high chances are you may be forgotten.