Council of Governors ultimatum

Have issued a 14 day ultimatum, if their 94B isn’t released in 14 days, then county governments shut down. Na hapa hakuna cha KK or Azimio. It was Waiguru who read the statement as the current chair. I saw even civil servants do not want their salaries delayed next month. Sema convergence of issues

Fagget Mijinga kïpiiiiii mumama zaidiiiii umekaaa hivi fuaaaaaa ukihara ukinyamba ukidunga ukinusa uvundo ukakuambia wewe na muhahe yooooooooote ya watu wenyu wewe ndiwe wa kwanza na hii stale news? Brare taktaka ghaseer imbilisi nyeusi cunt

Serikali ya mwizi igeuawe

Waiguru is JSKS flower girl. Ataitwa statehouse and the ultimatum will amount to nothing.