Couch P Wasn't Wrong

I thought couchP died from prostrate complications caused by arthritis which made it difficult foe him to wank

Lack of acces to basic family planning tools like condoms is to blame. Plus there is a lot of raw rape in slams

Gavana mbuyore?

Poverty is like a punishment in so many ways. Most of these additional kids are as a result of lack of funds/education on the women’s behalf to engage in family planning.

Another often overlooked facilitator of pregnancy is idleness and/or lack of entertainment or purposeful activities for people in poverty. Sex becomes the only outlet for personal enjoyment. You will see this a lot even in small cities where people marry & have kids at an early age.

If parent would not make it, how the hell does he or she expect the kid to make it. Ujinga mtupu, they think making it out of poverty is like winning a jackpot.

Kama hauna Netflix entertainment kwa nyumba ni kudinya wife

Mbuyande kabisa uliona vile tuli fukuza Sonko back to his rescue nonsense

That woman can feed you and your clan for 30years and pay for you a Neurosurgeon to open up your skull to find out why its empty you unschooled cyber cafe erand boy.By now you should be owning a cyber instead of hating on Agwambo the pilot eater.
Ukiendelea na hii ujinga watoto wako pia watakuwa tu kwa cyber kama baba yao mijinga.

Kwani unanyesha??

Yes,nanyesha wisdom.Am I not the Enigma?Noogle.

Pipeline lockdown inawapeleka aje?

Sijui,uliza @uwesmake -nde.Yeye ndio hu swim kwa matope za huko akitafta chapo za ten bob na samosa za nyama ya panya.

:smiley: ghaseer wewe

Watoi pia hutaka social distancing , my first born is 14 ,last 1.5

People in slums breed like rats

Sex is their only entertainment

Ulipima 10ml of njoti na nini?:smiley:

This village will kill me b4 colona

The slums are teeming with people of low education, raised in their formative years in remote rural locations with very little exposure to the modern world, they are often quite religous and superstitous, such people will not see the wisdom in having small families, they are impossible to train not only because of their low education but their religiosity and supersistion predisposes them to reject knowledge, their ambition is limited to having plenty of food alone not permanent homes or thriving businesses, the only way to save them and their offspring from the poor quality of life in a city they are neither equipped to thrive in or are willing to succeed in is drive them away back to their remote rural outposts, that is their natural habitat.

You take a lot of things for granted young human to ask a stupid question like that. So in that small head of yours because one does have money then they should have 1 and a half kids? And if you want 10 you must have a shitload of money? Ha…such an educated fool. 1.) In the good book it says go ye and fill the world…not go ye fill the world so long as you hav the money to sustain. Sustainace is a false capitalist concept that feeds to create demand which satisfies supply. 2.) Unlike you(i doubt you even worth anything btw) people who live on less than a dollar a day are the least bother about the cost of contraceptives. I would educate on why condoms are free and ARVs…but another day
Be grateful kijana/mscihana and if you don’t ha kids yet, always where rubber. We nee to stop idiots like you from pro creating.

Utaoa lini?

NV wacha matusi bana. Heshimu elders and above.