How does it work ?
If some stole money has been stashed offshore, how do they ensure the thives dependants get it if he drops dead or gets jailed etc
They write alot of legal complex wills or executions by their off shore attorneys that becomes executed when one dies or jailed. One of their children or wife mentioned in ther will has to contact the offshore lawyer to start the process . That’s why some countries take away diplomatic passports of corrupt people to stop them from accessing those funds .
Problem ni most of these corrupt thieves dont tell their kins where they have stashed money and the money ends up staying there for centuries until a ‘tip’ is passed on to the government (like Nigeria) that Sani Abacha billions of dollars are just lying in Switzerland banks and not claimed .
It becomes more complicated if the money is a conduit of corruption. The world now is global and one village. Some countries like Switzerland have benefited immensely from money stolen by african leaders and hidden there. At times they refuse to return the money back .
I don’t know your case or situation but such money is blood money. It has curse tied to it. It will never give you peace.
its very simple. if you have looted enough for Switzerland laundries to call you a client you are wealthy enough to know your way around. You leave the thinking to other people.